Mouhoun / BEPC exam: 668 candidates absent “due to the security situation”

After the administration of the written tests for the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, officials in charge of post-primary and secondary education noted the absence of 675 candidates including 296 girls and 379 boys. To better understand the situation, the regional director of post-primary and secondary education in Boucle du Mouhoun, Dr. Denis Vimboué, analyzed these absences “due to the development of the security situation” in certain areas of the region at the eve of exams.

Out of a workforce of 15,594 registered for the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, only 14,952 candidates were able to take part in the written and oral tests of the first round of the exam. This brings out a workforce of 677 absent including 296 girls and 379 boys.

The statistics compiled by the secondary examinations and competitions department show 114 absentees in the province of Balé, including 64 girls, 242 in Mouhoun, including 112 girls, 114 in Kossi, including 38 girls, 61 in Nayala, including 26 girls, and 144 in Sourou including 56 girls.

In the analysis of these statistics, the province of Mouhoun comes first. It is followed by the provinces of Sourou, Balé and Kossi. The province of Nayala comes at the bottom of the table with less than a hundred absences.

This situation caught the attention of the first officials in charge of post-primary and secondary education in the Boucle du Mouhoun.

According to the regional director of post-primary and secondary education for Boucle du Mouhoun, Dr. Denis Vimboué, a first reading establishes the link between these absences and the security situation. “The displacement of populations to more secure areas has led to the abandonment of certain candidates already registered for the exams in order to follow their parents in their movements in search of new reception sites”, he explained.

According to him, at the end of the examinations, the technical services of the DREPS will carry out an in-depth analysis of these findings and propose solutions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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