Morocco/earthquake: His Majesty King Mohammed VI chairs a working session devoted to reviewing the situation (press release)

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God help him, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, chaired on the afternoon of Saturday, September 9, 2023 at the Royal Palace in Rabat, a working session devoted to examining the situation following the painful earthquake that occurred on Friday September 8 and which caused significant human and material losses in several regions of the Kingdom.

To this end, the officials present presented before His Majesty the King, may God help him, the latest developments in the affected prefectures and provinces, particularly in certain localities which were inaccessible during the night and in which the point situation and the intervention of emergency services could not be carried out until daybreak.

During this session, the officials present brought to the Very High Royal Attention the details of the measures which were taken in order to respond quickly to this large-scale natural disaster.

These emergency measures, the subject of instructions and constant monitoring by His Majesty the King may God assist him from the first moments following the earthquake, and having experienced the intervention of the Royal Armed Forces, local authorities, law enforcement services and civil protection teams, as well as the ministerial departments concerned, focused mainly on:

– Strengthening search and rescue resources and teams to accelerate rescue and evacuation operations for injured people;

– Supply of drinking water to affected areas;

– The distribution of food kits, tents and blankets for the benefit of disaster victims;

– The rapid resumption of public services.

It is recalled in this regard that on the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Leader and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, the FAR urgently deployed significant human and logistical resources, both air and land. , as well as specialized intervention modules based on search and rescue teams and a field medical-surgical hospital.

In this context, His Majesty the King has given His Highest instructions with a view to promptly continuing the relief actions carried out on the ground, and with a view to:

– Immediately set up an interministerial commission responsible for deploying an emergency rehabilitation program and assistance for the reconstruction of destroyed housing in the disaster areas, as quickly as possible.

– Caring for people in distress, particularly orphans and vulnerable people.

– Immediate care for all people who find themselves homeless due to the earthquake, particularly in terms of accommodation, food and all other basic needs.

– Encouraging economic operators with a view to a rapid resumption of activities in the areas concerned.

– The opening of a special account with the Treasury and Bank Al Maghrib, with a view to receiving voluntary solidarity contributions from citizens and private and public organizations.

– The full mobilization of the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, in all its components, to provide support and accompaniment to citizens in the affected areas.

– The creation of reserves and stocks of basic necessities (medicines, tents, beds, food, etc.) in each region of the Kingdom to prepare for any type of disaster.

A 3-day national mourning was also decided, with flags flying at half-mast on all public buildings.

Furthermore, His Majesty King Amir Al Mouminine gave His High Instructions to the Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs for the performance of the prayer of the absent (Salat Al Ghaib) in all the mosques of the Kingdom, for the rest for the souls of the victims.

The Sovereign also expressed the most sincere thanks of the Kingdom of Morocco to the many brotherly and friendly countries which have expressed their solidarity with the Moroccan people in this difficult situation and several of whom have expressed their availability to provide aid and assistance in these particular circumstances.

Taking part in this working session were the Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Abdelouafi Laftit, the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Mr. Khalid Ait Taleb, as well as Lieutenant General, Mohammed Berrid, Inspector General of the FAR and Commander of the Southern Zone, Lieutenant General, Mohamed Haramou, Commander of the Royal Gendarmerie, Brigadier General, Mohamed Elabbar, Inspector of the Service of Military Health of the FAR, Colonel-Major Ihssane Lotfi, Director General of Civil Protection, Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of National Security, Director General of National Territorial Surveillance, and Mr. Mohamed El Azami, coordinator and member of the Board of Directors of the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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