Mogho Naaba Palace trial: The noose tightens on “political entrepreneur” Marcel Tankoano

This Wednesday, at the stand, the four witnesses Tagnan Zakaria, Zigui Mamadou, Moustapha Kontongomdé and Karim Koanda all confessed that Marcel Tankoano asked them for an audio calling to destroy the palace of Mogho Naaba.

Marcel Tankoano who defines himself sometimes as a businessman sometimes as a “political entrepreneur”, has contradicted himself on several occasions.

He refuted all the testimonies, crying out for a conspiracy against his person.

But at the same time, in court, Mr. Tankoano charged the same witnesses, accusing them of having received sums of money from him, without fulfilling their part of the contract.

The hearing was adjourned around 5 p.m. and will resume tomorrow Thursday

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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