Ministry of Local Government reviews most important projects in municipalities.

Tripoli, March 15, 2023 (LANA) – Undersecretary of the Ministry of Local Government for Municipal Affairs of the Government of National Unity, Mustafa Ahmed Salem, reviewed with the mayors of the municipalities (Sorman – Sabratha – Al-Shwerf – Daher Al-Jabal – Salouq – Al-Sharqiya – Al-Qatroun – Al-Zintan) the most important projects currently established in the municipalities Within the plan of Return to Life Project.

The meeting, which was held, Wednesday, in Tripoli, dealt with the problems, obstacles, and administrative and financial bottlenecks that some municipalities suffer from, which prevented the provision of good services to citizens.

During the meeting, the Undersecretary affirmed his keen interest to overcome the difficulties encountering the municipalities to be able to carry out their duties properly.

Source: Libyan News Agency

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