Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson’s response regarding Turkish officials’ statements (29.12.2022)


In response to a journalist’s question regarding statements made by Turkish officials, the Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Georgios Arnaoutis, stated the following:

“Turkey should finally understand that there are rules that are followed by all states which are civilized and governed by the Rule of Law. Threatening to use force because you don’t like the rules refers to other centuries and certainly not to the 21st.

It is surprising that the threatening party should at the same time demand that the defender be deprived of the legitimate means of protecting his sovereignty. Our neighbourhood is in no need of spoilers nor of an anachronistic revisionism. It needs states that respect the International Law, such as Greece, which has demonstrated this through agreements concluded with neighbouring countries under the International Law of the Sea.

In the face of the blatant and unprecedented threat of violence, Greece is standing up for the rules, exercising all its rights under the International Law”.