Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias to participate in the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and host a working breakfast with Foreign Ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) (Brussels, 15.11.2021)


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, will be in Brussels tomorrow Monday, November 15, where he will participate in the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC).

On the sidelines of the Council, the Minister of Foreign Affairs is hosting a working breakfast on behalf of the South-East European Cooperation Process Chairmanship-in-Office, held by our country, where EU member states, the High Representative Josep Borrell, the participants of the aforementioned Process and the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu, are expected to participate.

Afterwards, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will participate in the Foreign Affairs Council, the agenda of which includes a discussion on the Western Balkans and the Sahel region.

Under “Current affairs”, the issue of Varosha, the situation in Belarus and Ethiopia, as well as climate change will be discussed.

Subsequently, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will participate in the Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting.

Finally, he will participate, together with the Minister of National Defence, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, in the joint session of EU Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers that will examine the first draft of the “EU Strategic Compass”.