Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ statements following the Cyprus – Greece – Israel Trilateral Meeting of Foreign Ministers (Nicosia 31.03.2023)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ statements following the Cyprus - Greece - Israel Trilateral Meeting of Foreign Ministers (Nicosia 31.03.2023)Αγαπητέ/dear Κωνσταντίνε,
Dear Eli,

It is such a great pleasure for me to be in Cyprus today among distinguished colleagues but, also, among close friends. This is a very special occasion as the three of us meet for the first time, since both of you assumed your ministerial duties. But, of course, I had the pleasure of meeting you both on a bilateral basis before.

I would like to start by condemning the terrorist attacks in Israel in the strongest terms.I’ll continue by saying that today we had the opportunity to discuss various issues regarding our trilateral cooperation, but also issues of regional and global significance. We talked about our common steps in the near future, our tripartite cooperation scheme, and evolving synergies that have already been created in many areas such as digital technology, innovation, energy, water resources, but also I would like to mention the fight against terrorism.

Energy was another topic of today’s agenda. I had the opportunity to outline Greece’s goal of becoming an energy hub, by diversifying both its own, as well as the entire region’s supply of gas and electricity. And in this respect, Cyprus and Israel are our close partners and very important regional players. We welcome developments like the Memorandum of Understanding between the EU-Egypt and Israel, signed during the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus to the East Mediterranean Gas Forum. They show that the Eastern Mediterranean plays an important role as an alternative energy corridor.

We talked about The EastMed Gas Pipeline, as you would have expected us to do. And, also, the strategic importance of the EuroAsia Interconnector between Greece, Cyprus and Israel. Being aware of the challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean region and the wider Middle East, we are actively seeking to consolidate a regional security framework, primarily through dialogue and cooperation.

The East Mediterranean Gas Forum provides an excellent example of how the participating countries are using energy as a catalyst for peace and cooperation. In this respect, we are open to admitting new Members, such as Türkiye. Of course, under the fundamental condition of respect of International Law.

We strongly support the 3+1 mechanism: Greece-Cyprus-Israel + USA.

We also discussed in depth the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, and, in particular, the latest developments on the Cyprus issue, as for Greece, the Cyprus issue is a top national priority. On the basis of our close coordination with Cyprus, we are committed to supporting a just and viable solution for the reunification of the island, based on the Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. A solution, as Constantinos said, of a bicommunal, bizonal federation, compatible with the European acquis.

We talked about the situation in Türkiye. Following the earthquakes, as you know, we stood and will stand in solidarity. And this is not related to any kind of geopolitical agendas. It is a gesture based on humanitarian grounds in times of huge difficulties faced by a neighbour.

In this light, Greece, but Cyprus as well, made pledges for the people in Türkiye, as well as in Syria. In the Brussels International Donors Conference.

Regarding Greek – Turkish relations, as you know, we are going through a calm period. We are well aware, of course, that things don’t change overnight.

We had the opportunity to discuss the situation in Libya. As a neighboring country, we would like to see Libya returning to normality as soon as possible. Free and fair elections are key to the formation of a legitimate and representative government. We do stay concerned about human rights, especially the rights of women.

On the Middle East Peace Process, we are concerned about the situation on the ground and the ever-escalating violence. We hope to see positive developments and, certainly, the avoidance of further escalation. We had the opportunity to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

And we also discussed EU – Israel relations. Greece welcomes the resumption, after six years, of the EU-Israel Political Dialogue.

Dear Κωνσταντίνε, Dear Eli,
Later on, I will have the opportunity to hold bilateral talks with both of you. I remain certain that our cooperation will grow even stronger in the future for the benefit of our region, for the benefit of our people.

And Κωνσταντίνε, thank you very much for organising today’s successful meeting, so early in your tenure. That shows how important this is for you, for President Christodoulides and for the Republic of Cyprus. Thank you so much.