Your Excellency, Dear Shirley,
It is my second visit to Ghana and I have to say I feel quite at home. I had the great pleasure, just before coming to the Ministry, to visit the Saint Nicholas School, which is funded by Greek charities and Greek companies which are also active in Ghana. And I made a promise to myself and to my family that I would be coming to Ghana once per year. So, if you will be kind enough to allow me to do that, I will be extremely happy.
But also, It is our third meeting. I think we have met once in New York and twice here. I have to remind you, if you’ll allow me, publicly that I am expecting you in Athens the soonest. And the weather is always good enough. It is not as nice as it is here this period of the year, but yet again, it is very nice.
Also, I have to say that we, Greece but also the EU, see Ghana as a natural partner. You are a country that has a solid commitment to democracy, respect for human rights and the promotion of peace. We are very happy that you are a member of the UN Security Council (2022 – 2023). I know that your plate is full. Especially after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it must have been a horrible year for the members of the UN Security Council. But yet again, Greece is quite happy that Ghana is a member which upholds the principles of International Law.
We are very happy, also, that Ghana has a firm commitment to International Law of the Sea. You are a signatory to UNCLOS, a very early one by the way, you signed immediately in 1983, and we are looking forward to understanding your point of view on how UNCLOS should go forward.
Thank you also for your kind support to our effort to be elected as a non-permanent member in the UN Security Council in 2025-26. The vote takes place in 2024, but having an early commitment by a country as important as Ghana, member of the African Union, member of the ECOWAS, is of huge importance for us.
Also, I am happy that we have already signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Political Consultations last time. I am looking forward to signing three additional Memoranda when the services of the two countries are ready to do that. I have been told that we are at the late stages of organising it. Your Attorney General has to offer his opinion.
Also, I would like to tell you that we are organising together with the United States, with former Secretary of State Kerry, the 9th Our Ocean Conference in 2024, we would be very happy if Ghana participated in an active way.
We are very much interested in working with you also for security in the Gulf of Guinea. Greece has the biggest maritime fleet in the world. Let me give you an example. Half of the grain being exported by Ukraine is transported by Greek-owned ships. So, for us security around the sea lanes of the world and the oceans of the world is of paramount importance. So, we would like to work with you. And this, we discussed it a little between us when we were in your office, but I would like to repeat this with our teams and work together.
Again, last but not least, I would like to highlight the presence of Greek business in Ghana. One of the very important Greek companies, Mytilinaios, is already here doing business. And two or three others. But, we would like to promote Greek business and Greek investments in Ghana. We are looking forward to organising a forum for that. ? think that this is also important for us.
But, what we care very dearly about is for investment which will create a new reality for Africa. We understand that Africa is the fastest growing economy, the fastest growing population in the world. So, it needs investment to go forward. And, I am always advocating during the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU that the Mediterranean and the Atlantic is not a border. It’s a bridge. We are connected. So, we have to invest in Africa. Africa will be very important for the world. A friend of mine says Africa is the hope of the world.
Again, thank you so much for your kind hospitality and for allowing time from your busy schedule to see me during my short visit here.
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic