Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ statement to Greek journalists, following his meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey (Accra, 25.11.2021)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ statement to Greek journalists, following his meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey (Accra, 25.11.2021)N. DENDIAS: I consider the visit to Ghana to be extremely important. First of all, this is the first visit of a Greek Minister to this country. In addition, Ghana is a member of the UNCLOS Group of Friends, it is a country that will become a member of the UN Security Council from January 1, 2022, and is the fastest growing economy in West Africa with already more than 100 million of Greek investments.

Consequently, my meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs this morning, but also with the President of the country this evening, is to be seen in the sense of deepening both political and economic relations.

I think this is a very good start. I believe that our country, Greece, needs to be present in sub-Saharan Africa as well. And also to be able to expound the issues of Africa in the European Union, as a country that is in greater proximity to this great developing continent.

JOURNALIST: Minister, the new German government has been formed. Do you think that the appointment of the Greens’ representative as Minister of Foreign Affairs will also affect bilateral relations and, more generally, developments in both the European Union and the region?

N. DENDIAS: Surely, to begin with, it remains to be seen. As you know, I have met Ms Baerbock twice when she was in opposition. I think that, in our reading of the situation, the participation of the Greens in the German government after the elections was a foregone conclusion; and in fact, with an increased probability that the Greens would be in charge of this Ministry, which has proved to be the case.

While in opposition, Ms Baerbock’s held perfectly correct and articulate positions; positions that were compatible with International Law, the International Law of the Sea, good neighbourly relations, but also with the uniformity and identity of views that the member states of the European Union have in the face of external threats. Beyond that, of course, it remains to be seen what her positions will be in her new capacity.