Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ statement following his visit to St. Nicholas’ Greek School in Tema, Ghana (Accra, 25.11.2021)


Σεβασμιότατε (Your Eminence),
Ladies and Gentlemen,
and of course, dear students,

I take this opportunity to congratulate the Tsakos Foundation for this amazing job that they are doing here in Accra. And also, I would like to appreciate the Mytilinaios Company for their huge involvement.

I have to say that they set for us Greeks a very proud example of how we could help our fellow human beings in another continent, which on the map looks far, if you are here looks extremely close to ours.

I came here on behalf of the Greek Government, the Government of Prime Minister Mitsotakis, in order to add our own donation to this proud example of human care for each other.

Thank you so much, all of you, for what you are doing here. I am so proud and so moved and so touched to be with our Ambassador here today. And please rest assured that we will be here to assist you in the future as much as we can.

Thank you so much.