Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ statement following his meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Ranko Krivokapi? (Podgorica, 07. 06. 2022)

My dear Ranko,

Thank you very much for your kind words. It is a great pleasure to be here again today in Podgorica. I hope to come again so we could go to the beach, or I could also welcome you in my home island, Corfu, which is very close to Montenegro.

First of all, considering that this is my first meeting with you in this capacity of yours here in Montenegro, I would like to congratulate you and wish you every success in your extremely important tasks. I would also like to offer my congratulations because it is five years since you joined NATO, which was a significant step. I would like to have the opportunity at some point to congratulate you also on your membership in our great European family, the EU.

Today, I am visiting Montenegro ahead of the Summit of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). We look forward to welcoming the President and you in Thessaloniki, the day after tomorrow, on Friday.

I believe it will become evident there that Greece has set the full integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union as one of the key priorities of its foreign policy. And I have to say here, in Podgorica, that we believe that the European perspective is the only way to achieve peace and stability in the Balkans. Of course, there will be challenges along the way. However, the Western Balkans must remain committed to their European path. They should turn a deaf ear to the “sirens” from third countries that wish to make the Western Balkans a place of turmoil and discord.

Greece, the oldest EU member state in the Balkans, is perfectly willing to provide assistance, and to strongly support the Western Balkans’ accession perspective.

And I was delighted to hear from you that EU membership is your top strategic priority as well. I must also congratulate you, because Montenegro is fully aligned with the decisions and policies of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).

Regarding our economic relations, we are making significant progress. In the period ‘20-21, our relations totaled EUR 168 million, twice as much as the previous year’s, which was only EUR 88 million. But we can achieve much more and cooperate in many more areas. Energy, as you so kindly mentioned, is one of them. Transport, research, infrastructure are very important areas as well.

Greek enterprises have invested millions of euros in Montenegro. They can invest much more now that they have come out of the recession. We also need to ensure our interconnectivity. The Ionian Road should connect all of the Western Balkans, so the Ionian-Adriatic motorway is absolutely necessary, as is energy connectivity.

Thank you very much for recognizing the role of the Hellenic Air Force. It is our pleasure to assist friendly countries with their security. Montenegro was our first ally during the Balkan wars. These things are not forgotten; they are encoded in our peoples’ genetic material.

I would also like to thank you for agreeing to support each other for our election to the United Nations Security Council, which is very important for Greece.

And also, for our shared understanding for the region and its future, as well as for Europe. Because both countries believe that revisionist forces and mindsets have no role or place in Europe of the 21st century. Revisionist efforts create tragedies; we see this clearly in Ukraine. Such attitudes are not required in our region, nor are they required in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Greece is a stabilizing power, a non-revisionist power. It is a power that only exudes friendliness and a willingness to cooperate. It is a power though which categorically rejects any threats, particularly casus belli threats against us, which really have no place, not only in the rhetoric but also in the reality of the 21st century.

I am really glad with what we said during our meeting and we will continue our discussion at the working lunch. But I am certain that during your tenure, our relations will be strengthened and we will be able to accomplish a great deal together. I look forward to welcoming you in Thessaloniki the day after tomorrow.

Once again, thank you very much for your hospitality here in Podgorica today.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic

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