Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ statement following his meeting with his Finnish counterpart, Pekka Haavisto (Helsinki, 15.02.2022)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ statement following his meeting with his Finnish counterpart, Pekka Haavisto (Helsinki, 15.02.2022)[Greeting in Finnish]

I would like to thank you for inviting me to Helsinki.

And I have to admit my visit was long overdue.

We have a common history, we have strong bonds, 100 years of diplomatic relations. In 2019 we celebrated 100 years.

And there is for sure untapped potential in our relations.

We had the opportunity to discuss future cooperation.

Also, enhancing our consultations and cooperating in all sorts of fields, in the economy, and you were kind enough to mention issues that have to do with environmental protection, waste management. This would be hugely important for us.

Also, thank you and thank your country for the large number of tourists from Finland we receive each year.

And we look forward to expanding cooperation in the field of tourism as well.

Also, we value our cooperation within the European Union. You mentioned our discussions in the Council of Ministers.

And we had the opportunity to focus on the situation in Eastern Europe and especially in Ukraine. And I heard with great interest your analysis, the Finnish analysis.

I had the opportunity to underline that the Greek government, the Mitsotakis Government, will stand by the EU partners, adhering fully to the principles of European solidarity.

We uphold the fundamental principle of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries.

And of course, we condemn the use of force or the threat of use of force against any country.

We are extremely concerned about any possible escalation in Ukraine.

We have 150,000 Greek Community living there, especially in that particular region around Mariupol.

And also Greek Community living on both sides of the line of contact. They have suffered immensely through this crisis.

Just yesterday, there were fatalities among them, in an unrelated incident involving Ukrainian soldiers.

We have called on and we will continue to call on all sides to de-escalate. To avoid any steps that could cause events to spiral out of control.

And I underlined of course that especially in difficult times, channels of communication should be maintained.

I took this opportunity to reiterate that we consider Russia as part of the European Security Architecture. I will be, myself, travelling to Moscow in two days’ time, following an invitation by Sergey Lavrov.

As we are speaking of challenges to International Law and a rules-based international order, I had the opportunity, and thank you for that, to brief you on the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, on the escalation of the Turkish rhetoric.

I have to say that at this time, during this critical time for the Western Alliance’s solidarity and coherence, at a time when this solidarity should be demonstrated in every form, it is rather peculiar that Turkey, a NATO member and Ally, decided to launch a series of provocative and illegal actions against another ΝΑΤΟ member state, Greece.

Recent statements by Turkish officials, which bring into question Greek sovereignty over the Aegean islands are totally unacceptable. They are not just unacceptable for us. They have been rejected by the EU, by the US State Department, by the British Foreign Office among others.

We welcome the firm statements made by our partners and Allies in this regard.

I would like to underline that we always seek a constructive dialogue with Turkey, but a dialogue based on International Law and International Law of the Sea.

Dear Pekka, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you profoundly for upholding European values and principles during your recent visit to Ankara.

Once again, thank you for your generous and warm hospitality.