Dear Mr. Secretary-General,
I would like to thank you for your visit today at the Foreign Ministry. You have served the International Community for a decade under very challenging conditions.
Unfortunately, humanity’s situation, as you have observed, has not particularly improved. On the contrary. Revisionist forces are trampling over fundamental principles of International Law. Especially the UN Charter, whose article 2.4 expressly prohibits the threat or use of force. And this is the situation we are facing today in Ukraine.
In parallel, Greece is facing daily threats emanating from our neighbour, Türkiye. We address this challenge, by always underlining the respect for International Law. The principle of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states.
I noted that yesterday Türkiye stated that it will use “all legal means and methods in order to protect its interests”. It is in a statement of the National Security Council of Türkiye. I understand this reference to “legal means”, as an acknowledgement, even if indirect, by Türkiye that it has to respect International law. Obviously, this includes, at a minimum, abandoning the threat of war against Greece, the infamous casus belli.
As we have repeatedly stated, Greece is ready to engage always in a constructive dialogue with Türkiye, but on a solid basis, the basis of International Law, the UN Charter and the International Law of the Sea.
Allow me to thank you again so much for your presence in Athens and the Ministry today. It is a great honour for us. And, if I may say so, the projection of the United Nations idea in this difficult period is very important for our country, our region, and also for the world.