Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ speech during his visit to the SAHETI Greek School


Honorable Mr. Chairman of the Board of Directors,

Honorable Mr. President of the Federation of Hellenic Communities,

Ladies, gentlemen,

Above all else, my beloved children,

I can’t tell you how happy I am to have been given the opportunity to visit your school today; a school also known in Greece as one of the best Greek educational institutions in the world.

And may I also express my emotion, as I noticed children proudly wearing traditional Greek uniforms and, if I’m not mistaken, those from my homeland, Corfu. Your school has demonstrated in practice its high level of quality, and the qualifications it offers to its graduates. The continuous successes in the Greek language examinations are impressive. They are even more impressive as they come from great children who have no Greek origins. And I was happy to learn that you excelled in the final High School “matric” exams last week.

I share the vision of the founders of SAHETI School. An educational institution open to all; implementing, thus, our Ancient Greek ancestors’ belief that anybody who engages in Greek education, participates in what the President has just mentioned, in the Greek ethos, in fact, in the global ethos.

It is our duty to assist, in whatever way we can, those children who would like to attend this great school but do not have the means to do so. That is why we -the Greek State- are contributing today to The “George Bizos” Scholarship and Bursary Fund, so that even more students with high aspirations and potential could be given the opportunity to study here, at your excellent school.

[Concluding in English]

I am so proud, today, to be here with you in this most remarkable school. This school is known to Greece as one of the best educational institutes abroad. The educational approach in this school equips all of you with values and principles in order to become productive members of our society.

With the aim to assist and contribute to your efforts, I would like to announce a symbolic donation from our side to the “George Bizos” Trust Fund, in order to offer the opportunity to many more students to be part of this excellent school.

Thank you so much for the great opportunity to address you.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic