Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ speech at the Standing Committee on National Defence and Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Parliament (13.07.2022)


Ladies and gentlemen MPs,

It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to address the Hellenic Parliament again. Regular briefings are especially important.

As you are aware, I briefed the representatives of the parties a few days ago and of course I would be happy to do so again as often as you deem necessary.

Because these are difficult times and challenges are ongoing. But I think that before I start discussing them, I should thank you on behalf of the government for the role you play in supporting and promoting our national positions, countering constant efforts to tarnish the image of our country.

You defend our positions in various parliamentary fora, in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, in the Council of Europe, in the OSCE, and your contribution is crucial, so I ask you, please, to continue your work.

My purpose today is to brief you on the initiatives we have taken in the wider region and the challenges we face.

I will start by referring to our neighbourhood: first of all, the Western Balkans, which I visited recently.

But current events in our region compel us to focus, first and foremost, on the Turkish provocative conduct, which, with each passing day, reaches new heights.

Things that a few years ago, perhaps even less than a few years ago, would have been considered merely eccentric or unthinkable, are now part of the agenda of the neighbouring country’s conduct.

The latest example you all saw is the well-known map challenging Greek sovereignty over half of the Aegean and Crete.

I will end up taking it as a compliment to me, personally, that the Greekness of Corfu and Paxoi is not contested.

Surely, we will raise the issue of these unacceptable claims with our allies. We will raise the issue of the neighbour’s conduct, we are already doing so.  We have been absolutely clear that this conduct is in no way acceptable. But it is helpful to make this clear to our partners so that there are no illusions.

Secondly, I would like to refer to the situation in Ukraine. Yesterday I visited Odessa for the second time since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the third time in the last months, to express Greece’s support for a city that is inextricably linked with our history, with the Greek revolution; but also a city, a large seaport, which is vital to the world’s food security.

There, I had the opportunity to meet members of the Greek community in Odessa, as well as Greeks who left Mariupol.

I wish to tell you that I assured them that our country will do everything possible to support the Greek community in Ukraine.

And of course I conveyed to them our common position that our country will always be guided by International Law and the International Law of the Sea.

And that respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states is for Greece the Holy Gospel of our foreign policy and the agenda we are pursuing in the context of our UN Security Council candidacy.

Ladies and gentlemen MPs, the environment, the geopolitical environment is changing rapidly, you are aware of that. So I believe that our debate, as well as the exchange of information, can be particularly interesting.

Thank you so much, Mr. President.