Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ speech at the Embassy of France on the occasion of the National Day of France (Athens, 14.07.2022)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ speech at the Embassy of France on the occasion of the National Day of France (Athens, 14.07.2022)Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, Mesdames et Messieurs,

À l’occasion de la fête nationale de la République Française, j’aimerais tout d’ abord vous adresser mes chaleureuses félicitations. Ainsi que mes vœux les plus cordiaux pour le progrès et la prospérité du peuple ami français.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

When one thinks of the Hellenic-French relations, usually the well-known “Ελλάς – Γαλλία – Συμμαχία” (Grèce – France – Alliance) comes to mind. A slogan, but it reminds us of the post-dictatorship era in Greece, the historic bonds of friendship between two Statesmen: Konstantinos Karamanlis and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing.

Another quick reference of the Hellenic-French relationship relates to the founding myth of the first Greek city-state abroad, Marseille. A city founded by Greek settlers from Phocaea. One can also easily think of the famous paintings of Delacroix on the Greek War of Independence; or the poems of Victor Hugo on the Greek struggle for freedom.

I do not dare, of course, to diminish the admirable and historical deep roots of our relationship.

But, allow me to emphasise, today, on what is happening right now, in our own time. And I have to say, Dear Ambassador, I take great pride in stating here today that our present is as important as our past. The excellent level of our relations is a testimony to that. The remarkable progress of our cooperation led, as you were kind enough to mention, to the recent signing of our Agreement on the establishment of the Strategic Partnership for the Cooperation in Defence and Security. Because we share a common vision for peace, security, stability and development in the Mediterranean, and beyond the Mediterranean.

I sincerely believe that our relations have reached this peak at the very right time. They serve as an anchor of stability towards the challenges that we are called to cope with. Particularly when peace and security are endangered in our continent from the East to the South, at a time when revisionist actors, revisionist agendas strive to take the reins.

Against this backdrop, Greece and France will continue to spare no effort to promote our common vision for a democratic, for a powerful, for a united Europe. Most recent example is the successful FrenchPresidency of the Council of the EU, for which please allow me to warmly congratulate you.

Chers amis,

Le 14 juillet constitue une fête symbolique, une fête importante, non seulement pour la France, mais également pour l’humanité. À cette occasion, vous avez raison, Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, de réitérer aujourd’hui à “Κathimerini” le mot d’Hugo: “L’humanité a des droits à Paris”.

Je vous remercie.