Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ remarks, via video-recorded message, at the High-level Conference “Safety of Journalists: Protecting media to protect democracy” organized by the Austrian Foreign Ministry (Vienna, 04.11.2022)



Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is such a great pleasure to participate, even if it is virtually, in today’s Conference marking the 10th anniversary of the UN Action Plan on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.

I would like to congratulate my dear friend Alexander, Minister Schallenberg, and wish him a speedy recovery. Also, the Director-General of UNESCO and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Two days ago, we commemorated the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. This day was proclaimed in 2013 by a UN General Assembly Resolution.

The latter was originally submitted by Greece and a core group of countries: Argentina, Austria, Costa Rica, France and Tunisia.

The safety of journalists is also addressed in the Resolution submitted to the UN Human Rights Council by Austria and a core group of countries, including Greece.

The above constitute significant documents for the protection of journalists and media workers.

Our renewed commitment to the implementation of the UN Action Plan is more relevant than ever. For states, translating the priorities of the Action Plan into coherent national policies is a crucial endeavor.

Greece recently established an inclusive national Task Force on the Protection and Safety of Journalists and Other Media Professionals. The aim is to develop a common framework of actions in this field and to further promote freedom of expression and media pluralism. Women and young journalists, as well as digital journalism, are given priority. Strengthening relevant national legal frameworks is of paramount importance.

I would like to stress the role of the United Nations, which is pivotal in ensuring greater system-wide coherence. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights plays a crucial role in promoting, protecting and respecting the rights of journalists. On enhancing accountability, the contribution of UNESCO is deemed extremely significant, especially through the Observatory of Killed Journalists. Furthermore, other relevant initiatives prove beneficial for effective international coordination, such as the Media Freedom Coalition as well as the US-led Summit for Democracy Initiative.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The UN Plan of Action has a clear objective: the creation of a free and safe environment for journalists, that guarantees media freedom and paves the way for resilient democracies, sustainable peace and development worldwide.

It falls upon all of us to turn this noble goal into tangible reality.

Thank you.