Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ remarks at the Hellenic Parliament during the debate on the censure motion against the government (Athens, 26.01.2023)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ remarks at the Hellenic Parliament during the debate on the censure motion against the government (Athens, 26.01.2023)N. DENDIAS: Ladies and gentlemen MPs, the debate on the censure motion submitted by the Main Opposition provides us with an opportunity to present our track record before Parliament.

This track record that we will also present before the judge, the ultimate judge of us all, namely the Greek people, in a few months’ time. Because citizens always judge on the basis of the work performed and realistic policy discourse. And you will allow me, without, I believe, any particular unnecessary optimism, to express my belief that society will renew its confidence in New Democracy and the Mitsotakis government.

A government that has left behind the phobic “syndromes” of the past, that has left behind anachronistic stereotypes, outdated practices, and yesterday’s concepts. This is because we are a party that believes in equal opportunities and in a modern state that must meet the needs of its citizens. I always say that New Democracy is a popular party that does believe in social cohesion, in solidarity, in the economically weak, while also promoting national unity.

Because unity is an indispensable factor as regards national survival. And I believe that from day one we have sought, and to a certain extent succeeded, in reinforcing the “acquis” of national understanding as regards the basic choices of our foreign policy.

And I would like to ask for this “acquis” not to be broken in the run-up to elections. Especially, at a time when our eastern neighbor is maintaining its aggressive rhetoric in full force.

The government, since the very beginning of its tenure, has adapted the national strategy to the demands of the times. With a solid national perception that has allowed the country not only to react, but also to create conditions that strengthen it, transforming it into a modern, hospitable, open-to-innovation, tolerant, outward-looking state, laying the foundations for its geopolitical upgrading.

It is commonly acknowledged that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has signaled the overthrow of the International Order. And Turkish revisionism is attempting to upset the balance that has defined relations in our wider region.

The world has changed. Likewise, there are attempts to change our neighborhood. We have a fundamental choice, a cornerstone: International law, respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, for the promotion of peaceful settlement of disputes, and good neighborly relations.

This is the policy of principles and values that we have chosen. A policy which is not opportunistic, not for internal consumption. Based on the principles that we promote systematically, and methodically from our neighborhood to every corner of the globe.

As you know, I have made 235 visits, and attended over 300 meetings, in 73 countries, with 104 of my counterparts. I have met sixteen Ministers for the first time in the history of our country. The Greek Foreign Minister met them for the first time. Also, other countries with which we had no contacts for decades. A Greek Foreign Minister had not been to South Africa for 25 years.

We have strengthened existing friendships, formed new ones, strengthened old alliances, and built new ones. We have established an unprecedented nexus of relations, bilateral, trilateral, and multilateral relations.

We have signed historic agreements. During this government’s tenure, we have signed 311 agreements, ranging from strategic cooperation to defense assistance. But also, in areas such as tourism, education, culture, sports, economy, trade, and environment.

We have highlighted environmental diplomacy.

Of course, the agreements with Italy and Egypt regarding the delimitation of Exclusive Economic Zones are of particular importance. Agreements that highlight International Law and the Law of the Sea as the sole legal vehicle.

In addition, there are our defense agreements: two with the United States, one agreement with France, and one with the United Arab Emirates. As you well know, we are “running” three campaigns within the United Nations. One for the Security Council -we have secured 114 pledges for support in writing-, but also for the presidency of the General Assembly and for participation in the Human Rights Council. Never before has this occurred in the history of the Greek state.

We are seeking to turn our country into a pillar of stability, but also an energy hub, and I believe we are achieving it. Of course, we are aware that the forces of revisionism, forces that threaten international, and regional security are annoyed by all this; forces that are increasing their provocative conduct, engaging in North Korean-style threats of missiles that could supposedly hit Athens and our cities; with letters, with statements even in the Parliament of the neighboring country that Greece, supposedly, has no sovereignty over the islands if they are not demilitarized.

With efforts of a false narrative, the “Blue Homeland”. Also, on the Cyprus issue, with efforts to upgrade the pseudo-state, with efforts to create a fait accompli.

I reiterate the Greek position on the Cyprus issue.  For us, Cyprus does not lie far away. And we will not stop responding: to every letter, to every illegal and unsubstantiated statement, to every illegal and null and void agreement, to every rhetoric against us.

We will continue to deconstruct calmly and soberly the false claims hurled against us with arguments – always based on International Law – as there is no need to engage in quarrels to the point of absurdity.

Greece, democracies in general, do not respond to propaganda with propaganda. After all, that is what separates the democratic world from authoritarianism.

We respond with the truth. We stand by our friends, our allies, those who do not question the Treaties, those who affirm Greece’s sovereignty over its islands, who reject fantasies, and who affirm what is self-evident: that the logic of the 19th century, the era of the gunboats, is long gone.

And I want to be clear. The perception, I believe, not only of the government but of the entire Greek political world and society, is that the Turkish people, the vast majority of them want peace, they do want stability and cooperation with Greece.

Because these are the factors that will bring growth and prosperity to the region. And this is what Greece is seeking: peace, stability, and cooperation.

Ladies and gentlemen MPs, I have told you many times about the six circles of our foreign policy. The European circle. Aside from that, the circle that includes our relations with the United States. We mentioned earlier the two amendments to the Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement.

There’s the third circle that concerns the wider region of the Middle East, the Gulf, North Africa, and the very close relations that we maintain with Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and other countries.

Greece also does not forget the Palestinian issue. But I believe that we should acknowledge that we foresaw and understood the new architecture of the region long before the “Abraham Accords”.

Moreover, there is the circle regarding the Western Balkans. We promote stability and peace. We have always believed that the European perspective of the Western Balkans through the “Thessaloniki Agenda”, is the only solution in an extremely difficult and quite volatile region.

In addition, in the context of the fifth circle, we have developed relations with emerging countries, and emerging powers, that share our views on many things: Japan, India, other important countries in the Indo-Pacific, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Australia, with which we are linked by the Greek Diaspora.

All these countries respect International Law and the International Law of the Sea. Of course, we do not forget the large and fastest growing, in terms of economy and population, continent of Africa.

Africa is much closer to us than we think. As you know, I have already visited 12 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, along with North African countries.  I believe that this is important for Greece.

And then, of course, there’s our presence in international organizations. We spoke earlier about our three campaigns within the United Nations.

Dear colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen MPs, this is our foreign policy. I believe that Greece’s possibilities and opportunities in the investment, energy, and economy sectors have been highlighted.

I believe that Greek diplomacy has taken a decisive step into the 21st century. Our country is changing. We are moving forward. Of course, there are errors and omissions – as there will always be. And unlike other ideological areas, we do not claim any infallibility. We always have the possibility of communication. We always keep our ears open and we remain open to bona fide criticism and dialogue.

The national strategy, after all, does not belong exclusively to any party or government.  The policies implemented by each government concern the whole state, the entire nation. Therefore, I reiterate, national understanding is absolutely necessary.
But we believe that Greece has the potential to stand tall, being an ambitious, confident, independent, strong country. I always like to say, a country that has both grown and expanded. And I believe it is very important that it has grown. This is historically accurate.  It is the first time since 1947 that the national territory has expanded.

All these achievements bear the stamp of the first Mitsotakis government. They create national “acquis” rather than partisan ones.

The Hellenic Parliament must support them, if I may say so, and contribute in this direction. With bipartisan and, at the same time, cross-party support, away from petty expediencies.

We have been divided, time and again, on foreign policy issues, since our War for Independence, in 1915, in 1922, and in 1944, resulting in a heavy toll. I am convinced, however, that all this now belongs to the past.

And I would like to ask you not to allow the toxic climate that appears to be forming in the run-up to elections to poison national unanimity.

We must safeguard this national unanimity. I am confident that, in a spirit of unity on our national issues, the government of New Democracy party will continue to effectively defend them in its second four-year term. I believe I am entitled to ask our colleagues to give the government a vote of confidence today and the Greek society to do so in the coming elections.

Thank you very much.