Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ radio message to the Greek Diaspora on the “New Pan-Hellenic Voice” Greek radio station (Johannesburg, 24.01.2023)


I thank you for this great opportunity and it is with great joy and emotion that I address the Greek women and men of South Africa today from the frequency of the “New Pan-Hellenic Voice” Greek radio station.

Therefore, I am addressing the Greek diaspora, which serves as an important link between Greece and South Africa. I had the opportunity earlier today to witness the pulse, the energy of Johannesburg’s Hellenism, which honors the homeland, upholds traditions, and spreads the core values of our culture. And, of course, I was so touched to read the “Know Thyself” moto on the SAHETI School Coat of Arms. I was moved to see children at school proudly wearing traditional Greek costumes and dancing the dances of my homeland, Corfu. I was shown around the Greek sports club and the radio station premises, another two historical institutions of the Greek presence.

Maintaining close contact with the homeland is even more important. Especially at this time when Greece is facing significant challenges from an aggressive neighbor, as we all know, who threatens us on a regular basis, even with regard to our inalienable rights, who is escalating its claims and sharpening its rhetoric. To all this, our country responds with calm, confidence, and with a sincere desire for dialogue, while shielding its defense and reinforcing its alliances, at the same time.  We are, therefore, mobilizing all our forces, both at home and abroad, in our country’s united fight. And I would like to thank all those who are closely following developments in Greece, making our positions known, and defending our rights.

As you know, the country has made great strides in recent years, turning into an attractive place to study, work, live and invest. So, while we are sincerely happy that Diaspora Greeks are doing well in South Africa, I would like to assure you that Greece is close, and is still a welcoming homeland for everyone, a homeland that cares for Hellenism beyond its borders. I thank you warmly and from the bottom of my heart for this great opportunity.