Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias participates in the 2nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage (Athens, 2-3.6.2021)


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, participated, on Tuesday, June 2, via a recorded address, in the opening of the 2nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage, entitled “Hellenism and Islamic culture. The positive aspects of interaction and its prospects” and organized by the Foreign Affairs Institute in collaboration with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Addressing the conference, which is held online, the Minister highlighted the historical and cultural ties developed between the Greek and Islamic culture, through long-standing contacts and interactions.

He noted that the wealth of these historical and cultural experiences as well as the religious traditions provide an inspiration for a creative and peaceful coexistence, beneficial to all the peoples of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Unfortunately, decisions to convert into mosques the Hagia Sophia and the Monastery of Chora, two timeless symbols of the coexistence of peoples, cultures and religions and World Heritage Sites, do not contribute to this effort.

Read the Minister’s opening address here