Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ interview with “Proto Thema” newspaper and journalist Makis Pollatos -highlights (07.05.2023)


JOURNALIST: With your recent statements on Greek-Turkish relations, you have nearly “killed” the exploratory contacts. What will happen if the Greek-Turkish dialogue fails at the highest level, given Türkiye ‘s positions on the Aegean? Citizens must be aware of the positions of the parties before the elections. You stated that there is a window of opportunity to discuss and resolve our dispute with Türkiye. Ankara is talking about a number of disputes regarding the Aegean. Is the dialogue doomed to fail?

N. DENDIAS: I will not agree at all with this term.  In my recent statements I took stock of the progress of the exploratory contacts, based on my experience during the four years as Minister of Foreign Affairs. I noted, I believe, the obvious: there is a process that was created in support of the spirit of Helsinki which initially had a deadline set in 2004.  The process has been going on for 21 years, 64 rounds of exploratory contacts have been held without, admittedly, achieving a result. I have come up with specific thoughts on how the next rounds could be conducted. Thoughts which I have a duty to share with the Prime Minister and the next Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Regarding the dialogue with Türkiye, at whatever level it takes place, allow me to clarify again that Greece enters into it in good faith. It enters into the dialogue with sincere willingness, because the national stance is that dialogue is the way to resolve problems. I certainly cannot prejudge the outcome of a dialogue with Türkiye. We have the willingness and desire to find a framework for long-term understanding and resolution of our sole dispute with Türkiye, which is the delimitation of our EEZ and continental shelf, on the basis of International Law and the International Law of the sea.  The dialogue’s success or failure will depend primarily on the attitude of the neighbouring country. Of course, we do not fly in the face of reality about the change in Turkish firm positions. However, I cannot but express my satisfaction, as I am concluding my tenure at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a climate in Greek-Turkish relations that may open a window of opportunity to take advantage of.
JOURNALIST: You stated that “national offer is seriousness”. Isn’t it a risk to assume that the policy of appeasement towards Türkiye that has failed so many times in the past will work in the future?

N. DENDIAS: Seriousness does not mean appeasement. As you know, I was not, and am not, a supporter of appeasement. And I have demonstrated this in practice when it was really needed, not in words. Seriousness means serving your positions strategically, consistently, confidently, with arguments, building alliances, seizing opportunities as they arise. Seriousness means not resorting to cacophonous rhetoric to obtain temporary internal political advantage.

And, of course, it is necessary and in the national interest not to instrumentalize foreign policy for party-political reasons, by labeling political opponents as traitors, “sellouts of national interest” and so on.

Nobody can claim to have a monopoly on patriotism.

This is the policy we have pursued on all foreign policy issues, including, of course, relations with Türkiye.  As I previously stated, we have a sole dispute with Türkiye. We wish and seek a peaceful resolution of it on the basis of International Law and the International Law of the Sea. Whether this will be possible depends on the willingness also of the other side.