Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ interview with “Parapolitika” newspaper and journalist K. Papachlimintzos (30.12.2022)


JOURNALIST: You had a minor health incident yesterday. Is everything okay now?

N. DENDIAS: Thank God, it turned out to be nothing serious. It was an episode of orthostatic hypotension, caused by my insistence, despite the Holy Monastery of Xenophon’s holy abbot Alexios’ admonition to the contrary, on remaining standing during the entire Divine Liturgy at dawn, after a busy schedule. What saddens me though is that I did not complete my visit to the other two Holy Monasteries as I had planned. But I hope to do so soon. What matters most, however, is not this little “adventure”, but the fact that, during my visit, I found out for myself that Mount Athos is an ark of Orthodoxy, which the government is determined to support. At a time of upheaval in our wider region and in Eastern Europe, the geopolitical importance of supporting Mount Athos is evident.

JOURNALIST: Tayyip Erdogan continues to launch threats against our country, sometimes talking about an invasion and other times about a missile attack. How do you assess these threats?

N. DENDIAS: In recent months, Greece has been facing an escalating threat from Turkey. So, it seems reasonable to ask whether this essentially constant method of distorting reality and making unsubstantiated claims is linked to Turkey’s internal political landscape, in view of the upcoming elections in the country, or whether it is intertwined with an effort to satisfy broader geostrategic aspirations. Let me note that I find it unacceptable and unthinkable to conduct politics by threatening to use force, especially when the threat is launched by one country against one of its allies. Greece has chosen to respond to this unprecedented escalation of verbal threats with calm and determination. Threats, as I have repeatedly underscored, do not intimidate us. In the face of the threat of war, we oppose a well-founded presentation of our arguments, based on International Law and the International Law of the Sea. Issues relating to our national sovereignty are not open to discussion or questioning.  As to whether the upsurge in Turkey’s aggressive intentions is linked to the upcoming elections in the neighboring country, timing certainly does play a role, but I am not sure that this is the only reason. Therefore, as all the moves on the part of Greece demonstrate, we are far from being complacent.

JOURNALIST: Is there an open channel of communication between Athens and Ankara and if so, at what level? Do you have reasonable expectations that a meaningful dialogue between the two sides can be re-launched and if so, on what agenda?

N. DENDIAS: We are neighbors with Turkey and, as is the case with all our neighbors, it is desirable that we settle our differences peacefully. Our government, the Prime Minister, and I have repeatedly underscored that a constructive dialogue with Turkey is always desirable, subject to a sine qua non condition: that it be conducted on the sole dispute we have, namely the delimitation of the continental shelf and the EEZ in the Aegean and the South-Eastern Mediterranean on the basis of respect for International Law and the Law of the Sea. However, Turkey has been undermining the climate that would be required as a precondition for starting a dialogue, for a long time now, an unprecedentedly long one, making unacceptable claims, even challenging the sovereignty of our islands, and engaging in a crescendo of threats against our country. By employing inconceivable and often insulting language, not only does it undermine any possibility of understanding but at the same time it poisons relations between the two peoples. At this point, and in view of the upcoming election period in Turkey, which I mentioned earlier, I am not optimistic that this situation can be reversed. However, even under these circumstances, or rather because of these circumstances, it is important that we can talk to each other at some level, to avoid unpleasant situations. For our part, we continue to deconstruct Turkish arguments and claims calmly and soberly, without getting involved in personal attacks or characterizations, always hoping that, at some point, the other side will eventually make the “overcoming” required to come to an understanding on the basis of International Law and the Law of the Sea.

JOURNALIST: What do you think of our EU and NATO partners’ and allies’ stance towards Ankara’s behavior?

N. DENDIAS: I think that today, our partners in the EU fully realize what’s at stake and condemn Ankara’s threatening rhetoric, both verbally as well as in writing, with statements in which our neighbor’s overall stance is commented in an entirely negative manner and condemned unequivocally. As far as NATO is concerned, the same applies to a large extent at the Member State level, but it is also well-known that we would like the Secretary-General’s positions to be stated more clearly and unequivocally. Let me remind you that in the EU report on Turkey’s progress last October, as well as in the conclusions of the Enlargement Council a few days ago, there is, among other things, a clear reference to overflights over Greek islands and direct verbal threats against Greek sovereignty. At the same time, one cannot overlook the sanctions imposed by the US on Turkey regarding the purchase and renewal of military equipment. Nor can one overlook the frequent remarks by the State Department spokesperson in response to questions about the Turkish provocative conduct towards Greece. For our part, the concerted campaign to internationalize Turkish provocations is bearing fruit. This is, of course, an ongoing effort, which we will continue in an even more intensive and targeted manner. I have to admit, however, that in recent times, more often than not, the absolutely unacceptable statements made by Turkish officials have rendered our work self-evident, in the sense that they do not even require further comment.

JOURNALIST: When will the special agreement with Albania referring the issue of the delimitation of the EEZ to the International Court of Justice in The Hague be signed?

N. DENDIAS: The agenda of my meeting with my Albanian counterpart a few days ago was extensive: Bilateral relations, cooperation in areas such as energy, which has gained new importance and momentum after the war in Ukraine, and, of course, the major issue pending in our bilateral relations, the delimitation of maritime zones. During our meeting, it was established that there is a common will to move forward with negotiations, within the framework of the political agreement that has been reached in principle, to refer the issue to The Hague, by signing a special agreement. We believe that we are getting close to signing the relevant special agreement (on the delimitation of maritime zones). In a spirit of cooperation with the Albanian government, this issue can and will be resolved. Furthermore, as Prime Minister Mitsotakis stated, Greece has proven that it seeks to resolve such pending issues in accordance with the International Law and this is what we will do in this case as well. What we are saying to our Albanian neighbors is, firstly, that relations between the two peoples, the Greek and the Albanian, are extremely important because they are based on our long-standing coexistence. And secondly, that Albania has chosen Europe – and rightly so – and its European path, which we support, passes through Athens and good neighbourly relations with Greece.

JOURNALIST: Turkey is gaining a permanent foothold in Libya, undertakes hydrocarbon exploration, and co-signs a provocative letter for Greece to the UN. Is Libya a “lost” neighbor for our country? What initiatives do you intend to take?

N. DENDIAS: First of all, our country’s position regarding Libya is clear and remains firm. We are always open to dialogue and cooperation with the government that will emerge from the country’s elections so that this elected government represents the real will of the Libyan people. Unfortunately, Greece, the entire international community, and, more importantly, the Libyan people themselves, are currently confronted with a transitional government that, contrary to its legal mandate and commitment, is stalling the immediate holding of elections. And, most importantly for us, it is concluding illegal agreements with Turkey to the detriment of our country. At this point, it is worth recalling the United Nations’ position that the Libyan Government is not authorized to sign international agreements. A position for which Greece has worked intensively within the international organization. The recent letter sent to me by High Representative J. Borrell, in which he condemns the illegal memorandum between Turkey and the transitional government in Libya in the strongest possible terms, is also worth noting. This letter, which reaffirms the EU’s position, as already expressed by the European Council in December 2019, is a response to a letter of mine, immediately after my visit to Eastern Libya.

JOURNALIST: It’s been ten months since the beginning of the war in Ukraine and there is still no sign of peace. How can a peace process develop and how should the International Community deal with Russia from now on? Will our country continue to provide Ukraine with military equipment?

N. DENDIAS: From the very beginning, Greece has taken a principled stance against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We condemned the invasion unequivocally and without any reservations. Because respect for territorial integrity and national sovereignty, as well as refraining from the use or threat of use of force, are fundamental principles of International Law. They have also been the main pillars, the “holy gospel”, as I always emphasize, of Greek foreign policy against revisionism, whichever side it comes from. After all, my presence in Kyiv in the midst of the bombing, as well as my two visits to Odessa following the Russian invasion sent out this very message. And that is why we were actively involved in the EU’s efforts to exert pressure on Russia through the imposition of sanctions. And that is why we chose to actively support Ukraine. Political, military, economic, and humanitarian support. It is a message that I had the opportunity to deliver at the Solidarity Conference on Ukraine two weeks ago in Paris, but also during my visit to Kyiv in October, which took place in the midst of adverse security conditions. The principles of Greek foreign policy require that we continue to provide support to Ukraine, within our capabilities, of course, while ensuring that our country’s deterrent capacity is not affected in the slightest.

JOURNALIST: Alexis Tsipras has stated that our country should immediately proceed with the extension of its territorial waters to 12 nautical miles in the Eastern Mediterranean. What is the government’s plan regarding the extension of its territorial waters to 12 nautical miles?

N. DENDIAS: The extension of the territorial waters to 12 nautical miles is a unilateral, inalienable, non-negotiable right of our country, stemming from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). It is a right that exists in perpetuity, and it is up to each government to decide when, where, and how to exercise it, with the sole aim of defending our national interest.

JOURNALIST: The year 2023 is a year of national elections. Are “double polls” a one-way street? How will the country be governed after the election if the party of New Democracy wins, but does not secure an absolute majority?

N. DENDIAS: Due to the change in the electoral law by Syriza, it becomes, indeed, more difficult for the winning party to secure an absolute majority. It is therefore likely that a second election will be required. However, I expect that, following a second election, the country will have a majority government of New Democracy, with a new four-year time horizon for implementing our program. And I am convinced that, in a spirit of unity on our national issues, the New Democracy government will continue, in its second term, to defend and promote our national interest.