Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ interview on Ghanaian television (Accra, 25.11.2021)


JOURNALIST: This is the first time a Greek Minister is visiting Ghana? What are your impressions?

N. DENDIAS: Well, you are right. It is the first time ever that a Greek Minister has the honour and pleasure to visit Ghana. And I have to say, what I have been seeing here is a young African country that does its best and it’s on its way to a very bright future.

And I would have to say that my country, Greece, would like to be a part of that Ghanaian future. We would like to work together, we would like to take our common friendship to a new level, to promote it.

So, thank you so much for this question, I am very happy and very proud to be here in Ghana today. As you know, I am meeting the Foreign Minister and the President. And we donated a couple of hundred thousands vaccines to help the Ghanaian society go through the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is a great pleasure and a great honour to be here today.  

JOURNALIST: How do you see Ghana-Greece cooperation going further?

N. DENDIAS: We are both seafaring nations, we care about the sea, we are close to the sea. So, that common denominator can create a very bright future for us and we can work in all sort of ways together, we can cooperate in energy, we can cooperate through the Greek maritime fleet, which is the biggest in the world, we can really cooperate on how to bring to Ghana the know-how of renewables, of energy saving and also tourism, in which we have one of the best industries in the world. There are many things that we can do together. There are many synergies that can be built. But this needs human contact and, also, needs economic contact. We have to put flesh on the bones of our very good and friendly relation. We share the same principles but it needs positive work. And, allow me to say, you have a young, very dynamic population. This is the best capital for the future.