Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ article in “Eleftheros Typos tis Kyriakis” newspaper (issue of 25/12/2022 to be published on 24/12/2022)


In an increasingly complex international and regional environment, we are experiencing a time of radical upheaval. A war on the European continent, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – a reality that we considered inconceivable only a few months ago – brings the concept of revisionism to the fore with particular intensity and triggers a series of crises – energy and food – with global implications.

In our region, the concept of revisionism is primarily reflected in Turkey’s systematic policy of disputes and claims to the detriment of our country’s territorial sovereignty and sovereign rights. Greece is faced with an unprecedented escalation of provocations by the Turkish side in terms of duration and intensity. Turkey has chosen the role of a “spoiler” in the region, and in this destabilizing choice, it has found a willing partner in Libya.

The increased refugee flows facing Greece and the wider Eastern Mediterranean region are yet another aspect of the current crises.

In order to address the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities presented by this complex and demanding environment, our primary concern is to pursue a constructive and responsible foreign policy.

Greece’s foreign policy is governed by principles and values, including the pursuit of conditions of stability and security, respect for the sovereign rights of each country, abidance by the International Law and the International Law of the Sea, and commitment to the peaceful settlement of differences.

In this regard, the main pillars of our foreign policy can be described as follows:

Our presence in Europe, both within the framework of the EU, of which we are one of the oldest and most active members, with a systematic contribution to its deepening and integration, and at the bilateral level, in our close cooperation with countries of the continent, with which we are linked by ties of cordial friendship.

Our strategic relationship of cooperation with the United States, primarily featuring the joint protection of freedom and democracy, our participation in defense and other international organizations, and the capitalization of Greece’s geopolitical importance for the consolidation of security and stability in the wider region.

Our cooperation with the Middle East region, and the Gulf, through the interaction and mutual understanding we have shared with the peoples of these regions since ancient times.

The Western Balkans, with the main objective of enhancing their European perspective and achieving conditions of stability, development, and security.

Our cooperation with Asian countries, such as India, Japan, Vietnam, and Indonesia, with whom we share common positions on international developments, as well as Australia, the continent that hosts a thriving and dynamic Greek community.

The African continent, not only the North African region, with which we have long-standing historical and cultural ties but also sub-Saharan Africa, in terms of addressing challenges related to migratory flows from the region and the possibility of emerging hotbeds of terrorism.

Greece’s active presence in international and regional organizations, so as to address global challenges and consolidate international cooperation.

Right from the beginning of this article, I referred to Turkey as the principal advocate of revisionism in our region and, consequently, as a major challenge for Greek foreign policy. I wish to emphasize, once again, that Greece’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity are not open to the slightest questioning and are not, under any circumstances, a subject for discussion.

In a rapidly changing international and regional environment, Greece, through its foreign policy, articulates coherent and convincing discourse and conveys a message of calm and determination to address all challenges effectively.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic