Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ address, via VTC, at the OSCE Reinforced Permanent Council to mark one year since the start of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine (24.02.2023)


Mr. Chairperson,
Distinguished Ministers,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Ι would like to warmly thank the Chair for today’s initiative and all my colleagues for their commitment. A solid commitment to uphold the OSCE principles and international law.  

Further to the statement made by the EU, I would like to underline the following: Once the Cold War ended, Europe believed it had finally found the path to peace. We were wrong. Today, we realise how much the world has changed over the last twelve months. There is, now, an actual threat against European and global peace and stability. A year has already passed and the war in Ukraine continues. This is a war that takes place in defiance of every rule and logic.

Greece, from the very start, condemned it. Let me be clear: Greeks have no feelings of animosity against the Russian people. What we oppose is revisionism and the tragedy it has created. Greece, in unity with its partners, stands in full solidarity with Ukraine.

My country has delivered humanitarian aid, has helped the Ukrainians in defending their homeland, has welcomed refugees fleeing the war. It will continue to provide its support to Ukraine, as long as this irrational war goes on.

What we ask for is that this war immediately, completely and unconditionally stops. Only then, can real dialogue begin. A dialogue based on the fundamental principles of the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act.  International law is the cornerstone of our world order. In the face of every challenge, its respect and implementation is the only way out.

Thank you.