Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ address via video-recorded message at the online event in the 7th EU-Africa Business Forum 2022 (14.02.2022)


“Hydrogen and green shipping for clean energy: market prerequisites and green energy transition opportunities for African-EU partnership

Your Excellency, President of Mauritania,
Executive Vice-President of the European Commission,
Distinguished Guests,

Today’s event is a testament of our strong commitment to deepen cooperation between the European Union and the African countries. Over the last years, Africa is moving towards solid economic growth, strong civil societies and institutions. As well as achieving remarkable progress in communication and information technology. Additionally, it is a continent of significant potential.

In this context, EU member-states are working to establish a balanced approach. Seeking to address existing and new challenges in Africa. And jointly face global challenges. Through the Team Europe approach, the EU can contribute to the fulfillment of the urgent needs of its African partners.

Along these lines, Greece has expressed its interest in participating in several Team Europe Initiatives; Such as the Africa-EU Strategic Corridors for an Enhanced and Greener EU-Africa, the Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative, and the Africa – Europe Digital Green Energy Initiative.

Greece seeks an equal partnership with African countries by offering targeted support in areas of common interest. In this regard, Greece could support the efforts of African countries to update their energy strategies.

We could focus on renewable energy sources and a gradual shift towards low carbon and sustainable transport modes. We have set ambitious targets for switching to sustainable energy, phasing coal out of Greek electricity mix by 2028.

Moreover, Greece is currently developing a comprehensive Roadmap to introduce a Hydrogen Economy. Greek companies are becoming pioneers of green energy solutions at an international level. They could offer their valuable expertise to African partners, for the promotion of relevant synergies.

Greek shipping is the largest cross-trader and, thus, a vital component of global commerce. Greek shipping is willing and ready to become a clean and competitive low-carbon fleet.

As I already mentioned, Greece is committed to enhance its relations with Africa. We have proceeded with tangible steps in this direction.

Last year, we opened a new Embassy in Senegal, while we re-opened our Embassy and General Consulate in Libya. Over the last months, I visited Rwanda, Ghana, Gabon, Nigeria and Angola.

As a tangible proof of solidarity to our African partners, my country has offered nearly 5 million vaccine doses, either bilaterally or through COVAX, to various countries in the continent.

In a few days I’m travelling also to Senegal and Cape Verde.

We believe that through such efforts and initiatives we contribute to building solid bridges of cooperation and trust.

Thank you.