“Nelson Mandela was the leader of the human rights movement for the people of South Africa, but also for the entire African continent.
With his ethos and his struggle, he found himself at the leadership of a universal, timeless fight.
The universal fight for freedom, equality, dignity, democracy, and respect for human rights.
Not only did he become a symbol of the oppressed peoples of Africa, but also of all the people who fight for dignity.
He has been an emblematic leader in world history.
A source of inspiration for the whole world, for all generations.
Looking ahead to the future, he believed in a fight that would lead to not just a simple ascendancy, but to a great victory.
The victory of reconciliation and of a multi-racial democracy functioning in the post-apartheid era.
He chose to turn his own life into a symbol of the struggle against apartheid, but also of the greatest struggle for the reconciliation of the people.
His statement, from the dock in the Rivonia trial, that he was prepared to die, not only for the victory of his race, but for the ideal of a democratic and free society, has been the essence of his ethics.
At this point, I should make special reference to the key role his lawyer and personal friend, George Bizos played during the Rivonia trial.
This great South African but also a Greek, who passed away a while ago, thanks to whom Nelson Mandela came into contact with the Ancient Greek culture, read Sophocles and learned from the ancient texts handed to him in prison by his friend George Bizos.
He was inspired by them.
After his release, he worked with then-South African President Frederic de Klerk, with whom he shared the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.
Even then, Mandela remained true to the choice he had made from the beginning of his struggle against Apartheid:
He proclaimed the value of forgiveness and reconciliation for all the people of South Africa.
He was South Africa’s first black president in the first non-racial elections.
He turned South Africa into a colorful, peaceful, free nation, with respect for human rights, with respect for democracy.
Even when Nelson Mandela was elected the first President of a free South Africa, he continued to make choices that confirmed his emblematic nature.
He chose not to run for a second term, as he had every right to, and a certain re-election.
Thus, he gave the message of a different Africa, which belongs to the new generation and the future of the African people.
Nelson Mandela considered his country as a symbol of democracy.
He also considered Greece as a symbol of Democracy.
He visited Greece in 2002, when he signed the Olympic Truce.
He used to say that Greece is the mother of Democracy and he would like South Africa to become one of her daughters.
Nelson Mandela has been a universal leader, a pioneer.
There are many people with great vigor, with the potential to be the leaders of an uprising.
But there are not so many who, after the uprising, can lead their peoples towards the path of peace and reconciliation.
In this regard, Nelson Mandela has been a Worthy Leader of his people, but above all a Worthy Man”.