Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias’ interview with Euronews TV channel and journalist Efi Koutsokosta (21.06.2021)


JOURNALIST: The EU took a very important and very tough decision against Belarus’ economy. So, what is the message that the EU wants to send and where are you aiming at with these tough sanctions?

N. DENDIAS: Well, if I may say so, it is not against the Belarus economy, it is against the Belarus regime. And what the European Union is trying to do is to show clearly that it is supporting the Belarusian society in its efforts to restore democracy in the country. Having said that, also we have not forgotten the issue with the abduction of the Ryanair airplane. And as Greece – as the plane has left from Athens to Vilnius – is examining if criminal prosecution should be started against those responsible for this.

JOURNALIST: Are you worried that with these sanctions Lukashenko could turn further towards Putin’s arms?

N. DENDIAS: Well, I think this is a false dilemma. The European Union – because of its principles, because of its values, because of its DNA – should support democracy and those who fight for democracy. All the rest, if I may say so, is philosophy.