Minister Nathi Mthethwa releases creative industries economic Mapping Study report, 31 Mar


The Sport, Arts and Culture Minister, Mr. Nathi Mthethwa invites members of the media to the official release of the creative industries economic Mapping Study report on the contribution of the sector. The event will take place on Thursday, 31 March 2022 at AMPD Studios, Newtown, Johannesburg, in Gauteng.

Hosted through the South African Cultural Observatory (SACO) in collaboration with the Nelson Mandela University, the 2022 Mapping Study explores the impact of Covid-19 on the sector with a view to understanding the extent of the impact of the pandemic. It is the first comprehensive study of the contribution of the cultural and creative sector to the economy since the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.

The report is also an update of the previous mapping studies published by SACO in 2018 and 2020. This Mapping Study also provides updated information on how the cultural and creative industries contribute to the economy of South Africa in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP); GDP growth, employment, and transformation; and international trade.

The South African Cultural Observatory (SACO) is a national research project of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC) established in 2015. It conducts economics research and provide reliable policy and sector relevant information about the economic value of the cultural and creative industries (CCIs).

The Observatory undertakes this research guided by UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics that defines the cultural and creative industries to include the following cultural domains:

Cultural and Natural Heritage domain

Performance and Celebration domain

Visual Arts and Crafts domain

Books and Press domain

Audio-Visual and Interactive Media domain

Design and Creative Services domain

Source: Government of South Africa