Minister Fikile Mbalula welcomes International Maritime Organisation delegates to discuss innovative solutions aimed at improving maritime sector worldwide, 12 Oct


Scores of international delegates to celebrate World Maritime Day parallel event in South Africa
The Minister of Transport, Mr. Fikile Mbalula will officially welcome about 178 International Maritime Organisation (IMO) member state delegates who will convene in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal to discuss innovative solutions that are aimed at improving the maritime sector worldwide.

This important global maritime event will be hosted under the theme; “New Technologies for Greener Shipping”. The gathering is an opportunity for the international community to make concrete contributions and collaborate on innovative and mitigation strategies geared towards addressing the impact of maritime transport on climate change.

The three-day Conference will unfold in the form of an official opening followed by plenary sessions under the following topics:

New technologies for greener shipping;
Collaboration and capacity building;
4th Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Maritime Industry;
Oceans/Blue Economy.
There will also be a separate high-level roundtable discussion at a ministerial level which will highlight other important issues.

Source: Government of South Africa


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