Minister Fikile Mbalula welcomes announcement on Gauteng freeway improvement project and e-tolls


Minister Mbalula welcomes announcement on Gauteng freeway improvement project and e-tolls
The Minister of Transport, Minister Fikile Mbalula has welcomed the announcement made by the Minister of Finance in respect of the funding and the future of the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project and the e-tolls.
In June 2022, Minister Mbalula publicly pronounced that consultations with the Minister of Finance were at an advanced stage to finalise the decision on e-tolls, which would be announced in the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement.
“It has taken protracted consultations between the National Treasury, the Department of Transport and Gauteng government to make a firm determination on the future of e-tolls and a funding model for the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project. We therefore welcome the pronouncement by the Minister of Finance that the Gauteng provincial government has agreed to contribute 30% towards the settling SANRAL’s debt and interest obligations, while national government covers 70%. The allocation of R23.7 billion in the adjustment budget will go a long way in ensuring that SANRAL is able to meet its debt repayment obligations and maintaining a healthy balance sheet,” said Minister Mbalula.
In the coming week, Minister Mbalula and the Gauteng Provincial Government will provide detailed information on the road ahead for the e-tolls and the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project.

Source: Government of South Africa


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