Minister Fikile Mbalula hosts maritime stakeholder consultation session in Durban, 24 Jan


Transport Minister engages maritime stakeholders on critical Oceans Economy and Port Infrastructure Stimulus Program
The Minister of Transport, Mr Fikile Mbalula will host a key maritime stakeholder consultation session with key maritime industry stakeholders in Durban.

The engagement session will highlight the Department of Transport’s contribution towards the Port Infrastructure Stimulus Program as part of the economic recovery plan under Operation Phakisa.

During the engagement session, Minister Mbalula will the stakeholders regarding the private sector investment in the ports infrastructure projects. The engagement will be in line with government priorities relating to Operation Phakisa on growing the Oceans economy and the Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy (CMTP). The CMTP calls for transformation of the maritime industry by creating a nurturing environment for entrepreneurs with skills in the composite industry to develop and grow their own businesses.

The minister will also lead the discussions that will encourage the investment in the construction of new world class infrastructure and refurbishment of existing Port facilities. Such investments are expected to generate substantial economic growth and development and create sustainable employment opportunities in the maritime sector.

It is expected that the investments will also augment the education and skills development, grant bursaries and learnerships to the local communities.

This critical stakeholder engagement will bring together with political principals responsible for various mandates, senior executives of the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA), as well as heads of companies and port users.

Minister Mbalula will also undertake an in-loco site visit at the Dormac Marine and Engineering Shipyard premises in order to get an overview of the work being done in the Port of Durban.

Source: Government of South Africa


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