Minister Bheki Cele: Police, IPID and Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Dept Budget Vote 2021/22


Budget Vote 28, 24 & 21 presentation for 2021/2022: Department of Police, IPID and the Department of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service delivered by the Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele (MP)
Honourable Chairperson;
Honourable Ministers;
Honourable Deputy Ministers;
Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police; Ms Tina Joemat – Pettersson and members of the Portfolio Committee;
Honourable MECs;
Honourable Members of Parliament;
Heads of entities;
The leadership of organized labour;
Ministry of Police;
Ladies and gentlemen;
Fellow South Africans

Receive my safety and security greetings this afternoon on behalf of all the brave men in women blue, and most importantly on behalf of the solid workforce of all the employees serving in the entities under the Ministry of Police. Honourable members, if I was in uniform I was going to symbolically salute all of them; for the selfless service they render in honour of our constitution with outmost patriotism and courage.

Chairperson, allow me to quote from the wise words of one of our Greatest statesman President Nelson Mandela when he said I quote “If you want cooperation of humans around you – you must make them feel they are important; and you do that by being genuine and humble” unquote. It is on that score honourable members that I dedicate this budget vote to the members of the SAPS who continue to serve and protect against all odds;

Furthermore, I dedicate this speech to the fallen members who have died in the crossfire against ruthless criminals;

Chairperson, I want to reiterate the seriousness of the barbaric acts of the killing of police officers – this is one crime that must be elevated, challenged and highly publicised. In fact, there must be a national call for the perpetrators of this crime to be arrested and never see sunrise nor sunset. In the first three months of this year, 24 police officers were killed. Indeed there must be a national outcry.

The work of our police officers reminds me of George Orwell when once said I quote “People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
This is how seriously police officers take this heavy responsibility of serving and protecting the nation.

I dedicate this speech to detectives, investigators, forensic analysts, K9 units and scientists who work tirelessly to follow leads and solve the most complicated and sophisticated crime scenes;

I dedicate this speech to our elite units and Special Forces for excellence in executing their duties;

Honourable members, I dedicate this speech to members of IPID who perform the most difficult job of policing the law enforcement agencies;
Equally, I dedicate this speech to the oversight personnel of the Civilian Secretariat of Police Service, who performs the crucial oversight task of ensuring that every commitment made by the police is honoured and implemented;

Moreover, I dedicate this speech to the private security industry, the metro police and all other law enforcement agencies who serve as force multipliers in the business of policing;

Last but not least, I whole heartedly dedicate this speech to all employees of this sector who have succumbed to the deadly COVID 19 pandemic. We have painfully lost hundreds of our employees both uniform members and support personnel across departments and entities. Many of them could not get their well- deserved dignified send off because, we had to observe COVID-19 regulations. Policing under the COVID-19 pandemic has left the sector with numerous lessons and unmatched level of experience; of policing against all odds.

Chairperson, I would like call upon all Generals, all executives and all senior managers to understand the role of leadership. Let us appreciate our members and our employees. Without them, there is no service delivery; without them there is no government. Hence their morale must be our utmost priority. Stop victimising them for no reason; stop the workforce cruelty of purging and patronising them. For once, stop the workforce bullying and serve in the position of power with dedication and humility.

SAPS budget breakdown on planned priorities

Chairperson, allow me to table the SAPS budget breakdown per programme to make visible the initial budget allocation and the adjusted budget allocation thereof:

Over the medium term, we endeavour to mitigate the impact of budget reductions on service delivery. The expenditure is expected to decrease at an average annual rate of 0.8 per cent, from R99.6 billion in 2020/21 to R97.1 billion in 2023/24.

Compensation of employees accounts for 78 per cent (R225.9 billion) of the department’s expenditure over the period ahead. To remain within government’s expenditure ceiling for compensation of employees, the department’s budget for this item is reduced by R35.8 billion over the medium term. Of this, R15.9 billion is in line with the decision not to implement the third year of the 2018 public sector wage agreement, and freezing of salary increases for the next 3 years.

The remaining R19.9 billion represents Cabinet’s approved baseline reductions to narrow the budget deficit and shift the composition of government spending from consumption to investment. Excluding the reductions on compensation of employees, Cabinet has approved further reductions on the department’s baseline amounting to R3.4 billion over the medium term.

These reductions will mainly be effected on non-core goods and services items.

The department’s spending focus for the year, which is mainly on goods and services as well as Capital Investment over the medium-term includes the following:

• Reductions in the compensation of employees budget baseline, requires reprioritisation of SAPS resources as well as investment in technology;
• The department will sustain the Forensic Services baseline allocation as increased in the 2020/21 financial year;
• The baseline allocation for the DPCI baseline as recently increased will be sustained.
• Professionalising the police service through skills development;
• Continued strengthening of the criminal justice system by supporting the Integrated Criminal Justice Strategy;
• Investing in capital assets consisting of machinery and equipment essentially transport assets as well as mobile police stations;
• A continued focus of other critical items such as bullet resistant vests, firearms, uniform etc will remain; as these are critical tools of trade for police to successfully render their duties.
• In our efforts to continue with the implementation of the Panel of Experts Reports emanating from the Marikana Commission recommendations, funding has been set aside to continue to capacitate the existing Public Order Police units.

Members of this unit will be deployed in various provinces to stabilise crime in identified hotspot areas.

Departmental spending over the medium term will be in relation to the core programmes with Visible Policing taking more than 51% weight of the total 2021/22 budget. The Programme: Detective Services in terms of weight is also a significant portion of more than 20%.

Enhanced approach towards addressing Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF)
Honourable members, a comprehensive approach that is community, family centred and anchored; while driven and led by government; is the paramount remedy and solution towards the reduction of GBVF horrific incidences. The country has made great strides in bringing awareness and waging a fearless war on GBVF.

Whilst the reality remains that on a daily basis, we are still awaken by news of another Gender Based Violence and Femicide related incident; what is encouraging is the high impact joint response from the criminal justice system in bringing perpetrators to book. The FCS unit has been instrumental in securing heavy sentences for perpetrators in this regard. The most recent heavy sentence to mention, is the six life sentences handed down this week to a Zimbabwean born Eastern Cape man who slaughtered Nokuthula Mhlanti a mother and six of her children including a six month old child with an axe.

Progress must be acknowledged where government, especially law enforcement agencies are making a difference towards fighting this scourge. There has been significant arrests made that involves pastors in places of worship, supervisors in the workplace, teachers in schools, family members, spouses, boyfriends and girlfriends – this must be applauded and highly publicised in order to reduce the number of reported cases going forward.

The latest crime statistics has revealed Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape, followed by Inanda in KwaZulu- Natal and Thohoyandou in Limpopo as the rape hotspots. While the overall sexual offences have decreased by -3,9% in the last quarter of the financial year. The truth of the matter is that, one rape is one too many and we are calling upon all Provincial Commissioners to take lead in all operations aimed at addressing sexual offences and related crimes.

The Department has allocated over 1,2 billion rand on baseline activities related to fighting GBVF, both proactive and reactive responses to these crimes, and the resourcing of FCS Units. :
• R 1,142 billion on FCS units’ human and other resources, that includes operational expenses.
• R 30 million on youth, children and vulnerable groups including awareness campaigns.

An additional amount of R100 million was allocated to provinces for prioritization of Gender Based Violence response and the strengthening of FCS units. The amounts was allocated as follows:
• Western Cape – R13, 336 million
• Northern Cape – R 5 921 million
• Free State – R 7 937 million
• Eastern Cape – R14, 336 million
• KwaZulu Natal – R 17, 051 million
• Mpumalanga – R 7 937 million
• Limpopo – R 8 494 million
• Gauteng – R 17 051 million
• North West – R 7 937 million

In response to capacitate the SAPS members to deal with GBVF, 1 763 members across all provinces were trained on GBVF-related courses during 2020/21 financial year.

Honourable members, last week we had a robust debate in the National Assembly; discussing an emotional but imperative subject of the massive DNA backlogs in the Forensic Science Laboratories. We are equally concerned about the negative impact this has on the court processes involving crimes against women and children and GBVF related cases.

Poor contract management, corruption and lack of leadership in the FSL environment have put the whole country under siege on such an important service delivery imperative. It is on that score, that I have called for an immediate national intervention and equally for drastic consequence management in this regard. I have engaged the National Commissioner and his Generals on this matters. To this end a New Divisional Commissioner has appointed in this environment.

Furthermore, in addressing the issues of capacity, a total of 127 Scientists have been promoted to critical posts within the FSL. An additional 150 posts of forensic analysts at Warrant Officer level, have been advertised externally and the new incumbents will commence on duty by the 1 July 2021.

Chairperson, the intervention measures are critical and will be prioritised. To us the plight of the crisis, goes beyond the figures of the massive backlogs that is reported; but we go further and put ourselves in the shoes of ordinary South Africans; who are solely relying on the DNA outcomes to find closure to the rape, murder and other heinous crimes suffered by their loved ones. To this end, the police will work tirelessly to address this challenge and bring the FSL environment back to full functionality within the period of 2 years.

The following steps have been taken to reduce the specified backlog, in cases relating to gender-based violence (GBV):
• All forensic analysts underwent medical surveillance and vaccinations as required.
• Engagement with Labour was initiated, to review the basic conditions of employment and allow for a shift system, in the Division: Detective and Forensic Services.
• The Bid for the procurement of a manual and semi-automated DNA processing system, for the Eastern Cape, was finalised and the contract was awarded.
• The Bid to award all outstanding contracts, especially for consumables that are critical in addressing the DNA backlog, is in process. A total of 15 contracts have been awarded according to the project plan.
• Optimal utilisation of the Track and Trace (FEM) System, which was implemented, on 6 April 2021. More than 42 000 exhibits have been registered on the new system.

Chairperson, for the past three years in a row I have been dedicating the budget vote to GBVF and crimes against women and children; this demonstrates the commitment we in the SAPS have, of ensuring that GBVF remains a priority crime. GBVF will continue to be a focus area with an additional emphasis on the capacitating of the FCS units. The Gender Based Violence and Sexual Offences Action Plan includes the resourcing of these Units at National and in provinces.

As part of its oversight reach, the Civilian Secretariat of the Police Service regularly monitors and evaluates the implementation of GBVF related policies and legislation by the SAPS. The dedicated GBVF desks is steadily becoming a reality in our TOP 30 sexual assaults stations.

Currently, the SAPS has GBVF coordinators at station level who are overseeing all related matters. The proposal is to implement the GBVF Desks in phases as follows: Top 30 GBVF hotspot areas, Top 30 per province (270) and remainder of the stations. The ministry will host a virtual dialogue with gender activists in the next coming week to harness ideas that can best address crimes against women and children.

Improving service offering at Forensic Science Laboratories
Honourable members, let me reiterate that improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Forensic Science Laboratories is top on our agenda. In the past week I have visited the laboratories in Cape Town and in Pretoria respectively. Last year I also visited the laboratory in KwaZulu-Natal, while I am yet to visit the Eastern Cape Laboratory. So far the outcome of the visits always brings better understanding of environment as opposed to reading reports sent on paper.

Let me also take this opportunity and acknowledge the continued oversight role of the portfolio committee on police. They themselves have visited the laboratories and they have full appreciation of the challenges in the environment and how the SAPS leadership is planning to speedily address the backlogs and related deficiencies.

In this regard, a collaboration of a Public Private Partnership must be activated with private laboratories including laboratories in the institutions of higher learning to address this challenge. Once again feedback in this regard will be communicated in due course.

The significant role of the National Forensic Oversight & Ethics Board (DNA Board) in bringing stability in the FSL is crucial. We therefore encourage the SAPS to reach out to the DNA Board in resolving issues of common interest. We have confidence in the capable team of the DNA board led by Adv Nkosi-Thomas.

Human Capital Investment
During the 2019/2020 financial year, the recruitment of 7000 new police trainees was approved. The posts were subsequently advertised externally to cater for 3 Streams of recruitment namely:
• Stream 1: Matriculants, currently serving Public Service Act personnel in SAPS etc;
• Stream 2: Graduates in various fields to enhance the work of the police
• Stream 3: Permanent enlistment of current serving Reservists.

The recruitment processes were at an advanced stage but unfortunately as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the intake had to be suspended due to the restrictions imposed which led to the suspension of all training interventions.

The training plan for the enlistment of the 7000 was reviewed and it was approved that the 7000 will be enlisted in the 2020/21 financial year as follows, subject to the lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions:
• 4000 external applicants, and
• 3000 current serving Reservists to be appointed as permanent members

During the 2020-21 financial year, the COVID-19 restrictions still persisted, however the SAPS was able to enlist 2511 current serving reservists as permanent members. The 2511 reservists enlisted were trained in the Reservist Training Programme and were able to immediately be deployed to stations for operational duties and resulted in the capacitation of the police stations.

In addition, the re-enlistment of ±500 previously employed police officials commenced during 2020 in order to strengthen capacity where specialized skills in the detection environment were identified. The 4000 could unfortunately not be enlisted due to the COVID-19 restrictions which resulted in the suspension of all training interventions.

Meanwhile, Cabinet approved additional funding in the 2020 MTEF for capacitation of the DPCI function, essentially to create the required skills for the investigative functions associated with the work of the Hawks. This funding framework will allow for additional personnel numbers that will strengthen the capacity of the Cluster.

National Treasury introduced baseline reductions in the compensation of employees’ baseline allocations for the SAPS over the Medium Term

Expenditure Framework (MTEF). These reductions are a continuation of reductions introduced during 2020 which have material negative impact on the human resource priorities of the SAPS, essentially as far as the enlistment of entry level police officers are concerned.

As a result of this, personnel numbers over the medium term will require reconsideration in terms of options that will ensure that the Department continue to achieve its mandate and to maintain service delivery at local level.

During 2021/22 financial year it is envisaged that approximately 3000 vacancies will be considered for filling by the recruitment of new police officers. A process will be embarked upon where Public Service Act personnel and current serving reservists will be considered for recruitment as fully fledged police officials.
Respectively, 2000 Public Service Act personnel and 1000 current serving reservists to be targeted.

This initiative is part of various capabilities that the department is currently considering in order to remain within the budget framework allocated.

Furthermore, an action plan has been developed that aims to respond to crimes related to gender based violence, vulnerable groups and sexual offences. This plan also attends to the resourcing of FCS units both on national and provincial level. This response plan will also ensure that capacity in terms of personnel numbers be sustained and even increased where critical vacancies and service delivery requirements are evident.

In view of the compensation of employees’ baseline continuing on a declining trend, alternatives such as technological enhancements and force multipliers e.g recruitment of reservists, have been identified as mechanisms that could compliment personnel numbers over a medium to longer period.

Western Cape & KwaZulu-Natal national intervention and progress on top 30 murder stations

Honourable members the safety and security of any country, is measured against its murder statistics amongst other violent crimes. When we release quarterly crime statistics, the murder rate always makes media headlines. Hence we have introduced a practice where Provincial Commissioners, meet with station commanders on a weekly basis to measure station performance and account on crimes trends; in particular the murder cases per policing precinct.

Furthermore, national intervention plans, which involves crime combating and prevention operational deployment are activated to respond to the TOP 30 Murder Stations; in order to address the stubborn murder trend and other violent crimes. The interventions to date includes the establishment of the Anti-Gang Unit, introduction of Operation Thunder, the Base Camp approach, Operation Vala, Operation Lockdown, Operation O kae Molao and many others.

Moreover, National intervention deployments are heavily intensified in the Western Cape province which continuously proves to be stubborn in reducing violent crimes. The SAPS continues to enhance police visibility through crime prevention operations to promote law and order in the high crime areas of the Western Cape especially the cape metropole.

The joint operations between police and SANDF yielded positive results in the identified top ten contributing murder stations. The additional resources of Operation Thunder and the Anti- Gang Unit have contributed towards crime fighting in general; but in particular the analytical understanding of the dynamics of crime and its contributing factors in the province.

The negative impact of the environmental design on policing cannot be understated. Chairperson, it is a huge challenge to execute policing operations in areas where there are no physical addresses, no street lights, no access roads and many other challenges. Equally an integrated approach and generic involvement of other departments and sectors of local government in eradicating crime contributors must be intensified.

KwaZulu-Natal province also received national intervention deployment of additional police officers and vehicles to increase police visibility and crime prevention operations. The latest crime statistics revealed Plessislaer in Pietermaritzburg as a murder capital in the country; followed by Inanda and Umlazi which are also in KwaZulu – Natal. It goes without saying the Provincial Commissioner of KZN and his team of station commanders must spend sleepless nights in turning around the situation.

Furthermore, we call upon the SAPS top management to implement the Top 30 stations turnaround plan informed by the Mpumalanga retreat resolutions. All Lieutenant Generals who are provincial guardians must really do justice to this important responsibility.

I still repeat, policing is in provinces and not in the comfortable air conditioned offices in the headquarters of the police. I again call for consequence management in this regard National Commissioner, when a station becomes a murder capital – interventions at all levels must be implemented and if the results fail regardless of the interventions then the Provincial guardian, the Provincial Commissioner and the Station Commanders heads must roll.

Provinces with the highest incidence of reported crime, have been prioritized in terms of the allocation of baseline budgets. This will also ensure prioritization and resourcing of the top 30 high contact crime stations in the country. An additional amount of R62 million was allocated as follows:
• Western Cape – R10 million
• Northern Cape – R 4 million
• Free State – R 4 million
• Eastern Cape – R10 million
• Kwazulu-Natal – R10 million
• Mpumalanga – R 6 million
• Limpopo – R 4 million
• Gauteng – R10 million
• North West – R 4 million

Firearm amnesty and its impact in reducing the proliferation of illegal firearms
The overarching framework to policing in this country requires an intergrated approach; hence the firearm amnesty is crucial towards the reduction of the proliferation of illegal firearms. The biggest contributor to murder in country is the use of firearms. Therefore is it imperative to engage on processes that will contribute positively in the fight against crime.

For the 2021/22 financial year an amount of R 30 million has been allocated in addition to the baseline of the national function, for expenditure to be incurred on firearm licensing, destruction and amnesty processes.

Chairperson, While COVID-19 was an impediment towards the implementation of Firearm Amnesty due to the periodic closure of police stations and the restrictions on the movement of goods and people, especially during the 2019/20 amnesty period. There have been calls from different concerned groups, requesting the Ministry of Police to declare another Firearm Amnesty period; this is a matter that is currently receiving attention and necessary consideration.

Personnel at the CFR National Head Office, Provinces and Stations, were on rotation, in compliance with COVID-19 regulations, which impacted on the administration of the Amnesty and related processes.
Despite this, 319 435 Firearms were surrendered for destruction.

The firearm amnesty 2019/2020 resulted in 47 409 firearms and 319 435 rounds of ammunition being surrendered. Meanwhile, 2020/2021 firearm amnesty period recorded 102 535 firearms and 404 524 rounds of ammunition being surrendered.

This means these guns will be permanently removed from circulation and possible involvement in illegal activities. 
The firearms surrendered for relicensing will enhance the database of the Firearm System and also promote responsible firearm handling.

Central Firearm Registry improvement plan

The Central Firearm Registry (CFR) is another critical environment that has been embroiled with challenges and inefficiencies over the past years. Several interventions including change of management have been implemented to bring order and functionality to the environment. However a lot more intervention is still needed to address the growing reports of ineffectiveness and system challenges in this environment.

Once again the portfolio committee on police have visited the CFR in the past week and our Deputy Minister also visited this environment early this year. We have agreed that the CFR needs a complete overhaul – the environment is infested with numerous challenges. In this regard, we will be announcing a turnaround plan for the CFR in due course.

In the previous financial year, the implementation of an e-Solution system (New Firearm Control System) that allows for electronic submission and processing of applications was realised. This was aimed at addressing the capacity of the network both in terms of efficient functioning of current system as well as to prepare for development of new system functionality including for example the electronic submission of applications.

Police stations and infrastructure improvement
There is a fast growing phenomenon of new locations (both formal and informal) human settlement mushrooming in our communities. Our police manpower and resources is heavily overstretched to meet this growing demand. Hence our approach announced two years ago to embark on an infrastructure plan that will reduce the oversized police stations to smaller and more police stations to improve access to policing needs in both new settlements and rural arears.

The assessment of the 16 of the projects to build police stations was finalized. Recommendations were approved and the appointment of consultants is underway to proceed with planning and design of those found to be in line with new criteria.

Creating functional capability of specialised SAPS units
The establishment of specialised investigative capacities, including, the Anti-Gang Units, Murder and Robbery Units and Taxi Violence Units was approved in 2019. Anti-Gang Units have been established in Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng and North West.
• All specialised units’ structures were reconfirmed and approved during 2020/21.
• The Cold Case investigations Unit was approved during 2020/21.
• The review of the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Units (FCS) as directed by the Ministerial Plan of Action was approved during the 2020/21 financial year.
• The post establishment of both Organised Crime and Commercial Crime Investigation Units within the Detective Service was approved in the same year.

The Fixed Establishment of Murder and Robbery, Taxi Violence Unit, Modus Operandi Strategic Analysis Centre (MOSAC), Cold Case Units, Organised Crime, Commercial Crime, Anti-Gang Units has been approved.

Enhancing the efficiency of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI)
Honourable members, the role of the DPCI and the improved cooperation with other law enforcement agencies in combatting corruption and other forms of organised crime is yielding the desired results. The Serious Commercial Crime Investigation Units of the DPCI have a joint working relationship with the Specialised Commercial Crime Units of the National Prosecuting Authority. This joint working venture has resulted in 38 411 guilty charges being recorded in the 2020/21 financial year.

In the 2020/21 financial year, the following results were achieved in terms of asset forfeiture investigations conducted by the Section: Asset Forfeiture Investigation within the DPCI:
• Seizure Orders: 4 Restraint Orders to the value of above R32 million and 120 Preservation Orders to the value of above R116 million
• Forfeiture Orders: 13 Confiscation Orders to the value of above R20 million and 94 Forfeiture Orders to the value of above R37million

Covid-19 has also presented opportunities for corruption and some criminals have used this opportunity to target government initiatives such as the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), the special dispensation for unemployment, tender processes for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and to steal State resources intended to assist the most vulnerable.

Honourable members, In the VBS case, the investigation team, which works closely with the prosecutors, was at some point expanded to 20 members. This assisted in recording more than 950 statements, which is commendable. It is worth mentioning that seventeen (17) suspects have been arrested and faces 188 counts of Patterns of Racketeering Activities; Theft; Fraud; Corruption; and Money Laundering in the courts of law.

One of the accused persons is now convicted and sentenced to ten (10) years imprisonment of which three (3) years is suspended for five (5) years. The case against the rest of the accused is postponed to 2 August 2021 for pre-trial process. May I add that the team is now focusing on Twenty (20) municipalities that deposited an amount of R1,8 billion in the VBS. Other legs of the investigations are also receiving attention.

Chairperson, amongst the twenty thousands cases handled by the DPCI, is the Steinhoff International Holdings N.V investigations. The allegations that are being investigated include, the submission of false, misleading or deceptive financial statements to attract investors in contravention of the Financial Markets Act.

The case is still under investigation, and so far two hundred and seventy eight (278) statements have been obtained. On 30 April 2021 a draft report was received from the appointed Forensic Auditors and is currently being analysed by the investigation and prosecution team.

Investigating Serious Corruption, Serious Organised Crime and Serious Commercial crime remain the focus of the DPCI. The DPCI will be enhancing its capacity through the filling of prioritised vacant posts within its approved structure. The procurement and maintenance of the vehicle fleet and the procurement of specialised technological aids and equipment will also be attended to.

The DPCI shall continue to participate in the processes for the implementation of Chapter 6A of the South African Police Act No.68 of 1995, including section 17G thereof. The integrity of personnel attached to the DPCI remains an integral part of the work they do and the manner in which they conduct themselves. The DPCI will be guided by Section 195(1) of the Constitution, Section 17B (b) and Section 17E of the SAPS Act, to ensure that the integrity of members is beyond reproach.

The DPCI will continue to work closely with the National Prosecuting Authority in targeting national priority offences, including disruption against organised criminal groups. The DPCI shall endeavour to have perpetrators prosecuted in terms of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA).

Corruption levelled against State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) and municipalities, serious violent crimes such as cash-in-transit (CIT) robberies and the murder of police officials, crime committed by organised criminal groups who tamper, steal or damage essential infrastructure will remain the high focus of the DPCI.

The DPCI will continue to execute its mandate to the highest standards by utilising its resources in an effective and responsible manner whilst not only bringing those who have committed national priority offences to book, but also ensuring that the perpetrators do not benefit from the proceeds of crime.

Promoting good governance
Honourable members, good governance is a backbone of any government department or institution. As executing authorities, we are guided by the constitution and relevant legislative mandates in the execution of our duties.

Therefore we need vibrant structures that will add value and promote good governance in our departments. In this regard I would like to acknowledge the progressive leadership by the SAPS Audit Committee under the capable leadership of Mr Luyanda Mangquku.

The audit committee findings and engagements are adding tremendous value in promoting good governance. We will always embrace any structure that perform its functions diligently without fear or favour in addressing any form of maladministration and improper conduct.

The role of public entities in support of policing
Chairperson and honourable members, in this regard I will give a highlight of the support role of entities that are reporting to the Ministry of Police.
In his budget inputs the Deputy Minister of Police, Hon Cassel Mathale as part of his delegated functions will expand on the work of the entities.

The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)
Honourable members, IPID will continue to execute its fundamental mandate as stipulated in the IPID Act in support of policing without fear or favour. The mandate of IPID can never be undermined by anyone regardless of the persons’ position of power. It is on that score that we will continue to call for cooperation from law enforcement agencies on the work of IPID.

In line with building social cohesion and safe communities as prescribed in the National Development Plan and the 2021-2024 medium term expenditure framework, the IPID will continue to investigate serious and priority crimes allegedly committed by members of the police service and make recommendations to the National Prosecution Authority and the police service for decision and implementation.

Through its work the directorate aims to ensure that all people in South Africa live safely in a corrupt free society, with an independent and fair criminal justice system. Over the medium term, the directorate will continue to prioritise the investigation of high impact cases which includes; corruption, systemic corruption, death in custody, death as a result of police action, rape by police officer whether on or off duty and rape in police custody.

The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service (CSPS)
The role of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service (CSPS) in maintaining police accountability through the necessary checks and balances of oversight is becoming all the more crucial. The CSPS has advanced with the promotion of draft legislation to contribute to the professionalization of the police service, addressing the regulation of the possession of firearms and updating legislation to combat international terrorism.

The South African Police Service Amendment Bill was published for public comments and is now being finalised for submission to Cabinet to obtain approval for introduction thereof in Parliament. The Firearms Control Amendment Bill and the Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Amendment Bill have been approved by cabinet for public comments.

Meanwhile, the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill, 2021 and Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bill, 2021 are well advanced and are being processed for Cabinet’s approval for introduction and publication in the Gazette for comments, respectively.

Furthermore, the department has concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with WITS University to provide accredited training to Community Police Fora (CPF) through a SASSETA funded programme. The training will equip CPF members to support policing and crime prevention initiatives. It is envisaged that 80 people will be trained as trainers to train members of the CPF across the country in 2021/22 financial year. Regarding Police Visibility, the department will conduct a community satisfaction survey to assess the level of satisfaction with police visibility and the perceptions of safety by citizens.

Equally, the strategic orientation will continue to guide the CSPS’ priorities for 2021/22, key amongst which include development of the national policing policy; facilitating the implementation of an Integrated Crime and Violence Prevention Strategy; closely monitoring the Programme of Action emanating from the 2019 Crime Retreat; monitoring of police response to gender based violence cases; and conducting research into whether SAPS is fulfilling its constitutional mandate effectively within the parameters of democratic policing.

The Private Security Industry Regulating Authority (PSIRA)
In the Private Security Industry, we have appointed new members to serve on the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority’s Council for the next 3 years under capable leadership of Dr Leah Mofomme. The PSIRA Council has been briefed and is alive to the challenges facing the Authority to deliver on its statutory mandate in terms of the Private Security Industry Regulation Act, 2001.

These challenges include our concern that the Authority’s resources continue to be constrained due to the unsustainable funding model that is currently being used for revenue generation. We remain hopeful that the process started by National Treasury to review the Private Security Industry Levies Act, 2002 into a Money Bill, and to re-introduce the same in Parliament to be passed into law, this will address the funding challenges and allow the Authority to fully execute its legislative mandate.

I am pleased to note that PSIRA recognises and supports the Medium-Term Strategic Framework priorities in that it highlights the importance of transformation to ensure meaningful economic transformation of the private security industry and inclusive growth through the development of an Industry Transformation Charter.

Chairperson and honourable members, allow me to conclude this budget vote by once again reaching out to the men and women in blue all over the country and to all the employees in entities under the Ministry of Police. To them we say let us continue to render the selfless service to the nation. As Denis E Waitley narrates, I quote “Don’t dwell on what went wrong, instead focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward towards finding the answer” unquote. Let us continue to find the answers and intensify the fight against crime.

Chairperson, I now present to you the South African Police Service Budget Vote 28 for this financial year to the amount of R 96,355 billion; the Independent Police Investigative Directorate Budget Vote 24 to the amount of R348 349 million and the Department of the Civilian Secretariat for police service Budget Vote 21 to the amount of R 148,961 million.

Lastly, may I take this opportunity to thank the Deputy Minister of Police Mr Cassel Mathale, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police, Ms Tina Joemat Pettersson and members of the Portfolio Committee, National Commissioner of the SAPS General Khehla Sitole, his management team and all SAPS members, the Ministry of Police – Chief of Staff Ms Nonkululeko Phokane and her team, Secretary for Police Service Mr Alvin Rapea and his team.

The Executive Director of IPID Ms Dikeledi Ntlatseng and her team, the CEO of PSIRA Mr Manabela Chauke and his team, the National Head of DPCI Dr/Adv Lt Gen Godfrey Lebeya and his team, The DPCI Judge Kgomo and his team, The Chairperson of the DNA Board Adv Lindiwe Nkosi – Thomas SC and her team, the Chairperson of the Firearms Appeals Board Adv Lungelwa Shandu and her team, Chairperson of the PSIRA Board, Dr Leah Mofomme and her team, and most importantly my beautiful wife Mrs Thembeka Cele and our family for the unwavering support in executing my duties in this portfolio.


Source: Government of South Africa


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