Minister Barbara Creecy requests comments for Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System


Request for comments – Phase 1 of the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System (SEIAS)
On 26 June 2020, the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Ms Barbara Creecy, published in Government Gazette No. 43477, the commencement of the Commercial Fishing Rights Allocation Process (“FRAP”) and the revised timeframes with deliverables. The Gazette Notice further indicated that the Department will be embarking on the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System (SEIAS) in accordance with the Cabinet resolution of February 2007, which came into effect on 1 October 2015. The Cabinet decided on the need for a consistent assessment of the socio-economic impact of policy initiatives, legislation and regulations that will either seek Cabinet approval or internally signed by Ministers be subjected to SEIAS.
As part of the review of the General Policy on Allocation and Management of Fishing Rights: 2013, the Policy for the Transfer of Commercial Fishing Rights and the Fishery Specific Policies for fisheries sectors that are due for re-allocation in 2021, the initial Phase (Phase 1) of the SEIAS has been conducted by the department. Completion of the SEIAS is a consultative process, whose objectives are, amongst others, to enable the department as the regulating authority to conduct broader analysis of socio-economic challenges, associated potential losses and benefits, risks and mitigation measures, whilst ensuring alignment of the Policies with the National Development Plan (2030) by taking into consideration how policy proposals impact on and relate to the transformation and inclusive growth of the economy.
It is against this background that the department is reaching out to all role-players in the fishing industry, as well as interested and affected stakeholders with the aim of soliciting inputs or comments on the Draft Phase 1 documents, prior to submission for consideration to the Branch: Policy and Research Services in the Presidency.
Submission of inputs:
The Draft SEIAS Phase 1 documents of the General Policy on Allocation and Management of Fishing Rights: 2013, the Policy for the Transfer of Commercial Fishing Rights and the Fishery Specific Policies have been posted on the department’s website and copies are also available in all department’s Branch: Fisheries Management Compliance Coastal Offices for your consideration and submission of inputs on or before 16h00, Thursday, 27 May 2021.

Source: Government of South Africa


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