Minister Angie Motshekga monitors teaching and learning in primary schools in the Free-State Province, 5 Aug


Minister Motshekga to monitor teaching and learning in primary schools in the Free-State Province

The Minister of Basic Education, Mrs Angie Motshekga, accompanied by Free State Education MEC Tate Makgoe will tomorrow, Thursday 5 August 2021, visit schools in the Mangaung area.

The Minister has embarked on a series of visits to schools to monitor teaching and learning in primary schools since they were allowed to receive learners at full capacity in terms of the risk adjusted differentiated strategy. The strategy provides for schools to, where possible, receive all learners at primary school level as part of a gradual return to traditional time tabling.

Media is invited to join the monitoring visit as follows:

Date: Tomorrow, Thursday 05 August 2021

Time: 09:00

Venue: Botlehadi, Primary school, Mangaung, Free State

NB: The Minister will continue to monitor the return of learners to Pholoho and Tswelang Special Schools following the visit to Botlehadi Primary School.

(Catch more updates and new content on DBE TV – Channel 122 on Open view HD and on the DBE Channel on YouTube)

Source: Government of South Africa