Migori Residents Protest Following Fatal Police Shooting of Teacher

MIGORI – Tensions escalated in Kegonga Centre, Kuria East Sub County, Migori County, after a local school teacher was allegedly shot dead by police officers on Christmas night, leading to a clash between the police and irate residents.

According to Kenya News Agency, Eyewitness Mr. Samwel Simange reported that the incident occurred following a bar brawl between police officers and residents on Christmas night. During the confrontation, 33-year-old Samuel Muturi, a teacher, was reportedly shot by one of the officers while on his way home.

The residents, armed with crude weapons and twigs, responded by blocking access roads to the center and attacking police officers at Kegonga police station. The situation escalated when the police, overwhelmed by the rowdy youth, resorted to firing live bullets and lobbing tear gas to disperse the crowd and protect themselves and the station.

Nyabasi East MCA Nyamohanga Daniel Maroa, leading the residents of Kegonga town, expressed frustration over persistent insecurity in the area. He accused the police officers of harassment, bribery, and releasing suspects without charges. Maroa demanded that all officers involved in the alleged murder be held accountable.

Kuria East police boss Mr. Patrick Njoroge denied that the death was a result of extrajudicial killing. He explained that police responded to a call about a robbery in Kegonga town past midnight. Upon arriving at the scene, a scuffle ensued with a group of 10-15 men, during which two shots were fired into the air, resulting in one bullet inadvertently striking the victim in the chest.

Migori County Commissioner Mr. David Gitonga, addressing the residents at the scene, acknowledged that a mistake might have been made in the shooting but urged the community to await the outcome of an investigation before taking matters into their own hands. He assured that the Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA) would investigate the officers involved, and appropriate action would be taken if they are found guilty.

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