MFWA to hold residential story development bootcamp for journalists in Niger


The Media Foundation for West Africa will from August 11-12, 2021 hold a Residential Story Development Bootcamp for selected journalists in Niger. This follows the successful maiden edition held for journalists in Ghana.

The Bootcamp will provide a platform for the participating journalists (drawn from print, radio, television, and online news media organisations) to brainstorm on their story ideas and discuss more effective approaches to pursuing those stories. It will also be an opportunity for peer learning, experience sharing, and mentorship.

The residential boot camp will comprise interactive presentations from seasoned media professionals, group works, and practical story development sessions. Significantly, participants will reflect on how to use Niger’s Access to Information Charter (Charter on Access to Public Information and Administrative Documents) to access factual public information to advance their story development.

The Residential Story Development Bootcamp for journalists is being implemented in three countries in the region – Ghana, Niger and Cote d’Ivoire. It aims at increasing the knowledge of journalists on access to information and its relevance in democratic governance. This will ultimately contribute to increasing accountability reporting by journalists through efficient utilisation of access to information (ATI) laws.

It forms part of the MFWA’s project “Promoting Press Freedom, Independent Journalism and Democratic Governance in West Africa” which is supported by the Open Society Initiative of West Africa (OSIWA).