The Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs yesterday held public hearings on the Independent Municipal Demarcation Authority (IMDA)Bill in the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality in the Northern Cape.

Hundreds of residents from the district and surrounding areas gathered at the Piet Thole Community Hall in Upington to comment on the draft legislation.

The committee is embarking on a nationwide public consultation programme to solicit citizens’ input on the draft legislation, which seeks to repeal and replace the Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, to align and update the legislation with current Demarcation Board practices, and to rename the Municipal Demarcation Board to the Independent Municipal Demarcation Authority.

The committee Chairperson dismissed fears that the Bill will bring back apartheid-style demarcation and take away powers from the public to allow the board to decide on behalf of the people.

“This Bill is trying to consolidate all issues relating to demarcation under one piece of legislation. It seeks to respond to public frustrations about municipal demarcation,which has led to protests and court cases in some instances,” said committee Chairperson Mr Fikile Xasa.

While some people said they did not support the Bill, there was consensus that in the Northern Cape there are discrepancies of demarcation and rezoning, which need attention from the Municipal Demarcation Board.

Those who supported the Bill submitted that the views of the communities must guide the process of demarcation of municipal boundaries and delimitation of wards. There was also a strong sentiment that demarcation must be accompanied by service delivery and should not be done for political expediency. The Chairperson welcomed that input, saying it is good to associate demarcation with service delivery because the government demarcates so that people can be served better.

Today the committee will continue with public hearings in the Pixley ka Seme District Municipality.

Source: Parliament of South Africa

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