The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation welcomed the briefing it received yesterday from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation on preliminary progress to prepare for the 15th BRICS Summit, which South Africa is hosting from 22 to 24 August 2023. The summit’s theme is “Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism”.

The committee heard that South Africa has five priorities for 2023. They are to develop a partnership towards an equitable just transition; to transform education and skills development for the future; to unlock opportunities through the African Continental Free Trade Area; to strengthen post-pandemic socio-economic recovery and the attainment of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development; and to strengthen multilateralism.

The committee heard that Cabinet has approved Gauteng as the host province for the summit and that the summit programme includes a significant business component, with reports from the President of the New Development Bank and the BRICS Business Council. The BRICS Women’s Business Alliance South Africa will continue its theme of partnership by holding an outreach and BRICS Plus engagement.

In welcoming the briefing, the Chairperson of the committee, Mr Supra Mahumapelo, highlighted 10 points, which it adopted as its way forward. The Chairperson indicated that the committee fully supports the Africa Peace Initiative by Zambia, Senegal, the Republic of Congo, Uganda, Egypt and South Africa on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It was further encouraged that the six countries should consider involving the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in their peace negotiations.

On the investigation into the supply of weapons to Russia, the department reported that a retired judge will lead the investigation and the committee has called to be briefed about the outcome.

The committee supports South Africa’s hosting and chairing of the summit. It called for the summit to focus on matters relating to the economies of BRICS member states. The committee further welcomes the BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting to be held in June, and looks forward to the outcomes of that meeting, as the committee agreed that its chairperson should interact with the chairpersons of committees responsible for foreign affairs of BRICS member states for the purposes of strengthening their oversight role.

The committee also called on BRICS to tighten its processes for admission of new member states, to ensure adherence to international norms. The committee supports the Africa Peace initiative for the restoration of peace between Russia and Ukraine, which must be based on solid political and economic relations. South Africa was encouraged to continue strengthening good relations between itself, Russia and Ukraine, and keep the committee informed of bilateral activities South Africa conducts with the two countries.

The committee supports and applauds Cabinet for the initiative to establish an inter-ministerial committee on matters related to the International Criminal Court and said it must be kept informed on developments. The committee notes with concern allegations of gender-based violence levelled against the President of the Pan African Parliament and asked the department for a briefing once concrete information is available on the matter.

The department will brief the committee once it has the necessary details regarding the Defence official’s visit to Russia. The committee appreciated the response from the department to the effect that all defence-related matters, including the reported visit by the senior commander of the South African National Defence Force, must be discussed with the Department of Defence and Military Veterans.

The committee also noted that the International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, is scheduled to meet her Ukrainian counterpart in Europe in May. The committee requested a briefing from the department on the envoy sent by President Cyril Ramaphosa to the United States, specifically on matters relating to the African Growth and Opportunity Act.

The committee agreed with the department that its bilateral relations with both Russia and Ukraine should be strengthened, as part of its correct non-aligned position and our own national interests.

Source: Parliament of South Africa

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