The late long-serving Member of Parliament, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, has been praised for his special contributions during various phases of South Africa’s development and the maturity of our democratic parliament.

These were stated by the Presiding Officers of Parliament, the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, Mr. Amos Masondo, and the National Assembly Speaker, Ms. Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, during a visit to the Buthelezi family in Ulundi. They visited the family today, leading a high-level multi-party delegation to pay their respects and share condolences with the Buthelezi family. Talking to the family, Mr. Masondo said his “uniting and reconciliatory role” in the country and Parliament, as one of the well-renowned elders, will be missed.

By intervening to protect property and life during the July 2021 riots in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, Prince Buthelezi was amongst those who demonstrated leadership and created hope in the nation and sent a message that South Africans would not tolerate any disrespect of the rule of law, said Mr. Masondo. He also attributed the strength of South Africa’s post-apartheid democracy to, amongst other notable contributors, his leadership and wisdom. He said as Parliament prepares to celebrate 30 years of the country’s constitutional democracy and democratic Parliaments, the role of leaders such as Prince Buthelezi would be appropriately acknowledged.

Passing her message of condolences to the family, Speaker Mapisa-Nqakula shared some serious and light moments of Prince Buthelezi’s tenure as both a Minister in the Cabinet of President Mandela and President Mbeki, as well as a veteran Member of Parliament. She appreciated Prince Buthelezi’s intolerance of people who undermined authority and ill-discipline in Parliament and in society generally. She said he would never flinch from teaching younger Parliamentarians discipline as a father figure to many.

Speaker Mapisa-Nqakula thanked the Buthelezi family for giving him the opportunity to serve the nation and to be there for those in need. She said Prince Buthelezi always went out of his way to show compassion to others, including those who had experienced grief and pain from, among other things, losing close family members. She said his brave stance to speak openly about the impact of HIV and AIDS, at the time it was not fashionable to do so, contributed to changing people’s outlook on the epidemic.

The Speaker is expected to address the official funeral services of Prince Buthelezi that are scheduled for Saturday 16 September in Ulundi.

Source: Parliament of South Africa

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