The Presiding Officers of Parliament proudly join millions of people across the globe in observing the Nelson Mandela International Day today.

July 18 marks Tata Madiba’s birthdate, a day of profound significance as it was declared Nelson Mandela International Day, commonly known as Mandela Day, following a unanimous decision by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009. Today, Tata Madiba would have celebrated his 105th birthday, and his enduring legacy continues to inspire generations.

Mandela Day is more than an annual global celebration of the birth date of democratic South Africa’s founding father and the first Black President. It serves as a resounding call to action for individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide to reflect on Mandela’s timeless values and principles and make a tangible and positive impact in their own communities. This day holds profound significance for Parliament, as it not only pays tribute to the founding father of our democracy, but also commemorates a man who endured 27 years in prison to liberate South Africans from the shackles of race-based oppression.

Former President Mandela remains an unparalleled global icon of peace, forgiveness, compassion, human dignity, human rights, and justice for all. Tata Madiba, who peacefully departed from this world in December 2013, left behind an indelible legacy of selfless servant leadership to humanity. Throughout his extraordinary life, he displayed an unwavering commitment to nation-building, reconciliation, and social cohesion.

As we reflect on Mandela’s legacy today, we are reminded of his tireless fight against inequality, his boundless capacity for forgiveness, and his unshakable moral compass. Though faced with formidable obstacles, Mandela never compromised his principles or ideals. His life embodies the power of hope and resilience to overcome even the greatest injustices.

Mandela’s journey illuminates the long arc of justice – showing us that no matter how long the night, the light of freedom will eventually dawn. His legacy gives us faith that even in the darkest hours, the human spirit can rise up through compassion and moral courage.

Today, as the Presiding Officers, National Assembly (NA) Speaker Mme Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, and National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Chairperson Ntate Amos Masondo, commemorate this year’s Mandela Day, they extend a resounding call to all South Africans and leaders locally and globally to embrace Tata Madiba’s enduring values, not just as a symbolic gesture, but as a guiding force that shapes our words, actions, and decisions every day of our lives.

The void left by Tata Madiba in the fabric of global politics is irreplaceable. Today, more than ever, our world is in dire need of leaders who exemplify his unique qualities of leadership. We need individuals who tirelessly advocate for peace and justice, possess a powerful presence that disarms opponents, and have the ability to rise above self-interests and focus on collective goals and missions.

July, a month designated by South Africans to honor Tata’s extraordinary life, grants us an annual opportunity to tangibly live out his principles in diverse communities across the globe. Beyond mere commemoration, it is our duty to translate his values into concrete actions that uplift the marginalized, empower the oppressed, and build bridges of understanding among all people.

In the spirit of giving back, the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Ntate Lechesa Tsenoli, and parliamentary staff will dedicate their 67 minutes—a tribute to Tata Madiba’s 67 years of public service—to honor his legacy. They will stand in solidarity with the community of Rawsonville, Western Cape, which has recently faced the devastating aftermath of floods, displacing over 1,000 people. Through this act of service, we affirm our commitment to actively address the challenges faced by our fellow citizens and offer support in times of need.

Attached is the program detailing the initiatives planned for the day, providing further information on how individuals can engage and contribute.

On this momentous Mandela Day, let us all unite in upholding the values that Tata Madiba embodied. Let us strive to be leaders of integrity, empathy, and compassion, ensuring that our actions foster a world of equality, justice, and harmony.

Mandela’s light continues to guide the way – reminding us that even the most arduous struggle is worth waging if it leads towards a more just and equitable world.

Source: Parliament of South Africa

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