MEC Vusi Mkhatshwa tables Mpumalanga Treasury Prov Budget Vote 2021/22, 11 Jun


The MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism, Mr Vusi Mkhatshwa will, on Friday, 11 June 2021 table the Policy and Budget for the Provincial Treasury for the current fiscal year.

The MEC is expected to outline the spending plans for the R481 million appropriated to the Provincial Treasury for the 2021/22 financial year.

The founding mandate of the Provincial Treasury is to ensure allocative efficiencies and safeguard the integrity of provincial resources (budget) in the interest of the people of Mpumalanga.

MEC Mkhatshwa has committed to working with all stakeholders to improve financial performance and governance in all PFMA and MFAMA institutions in the Province.

The main focus will be on strengthening oversight of all departments, municipalities and public entities, internal audit, supply chain management, as well as support for transversal financial systems.

The speech will be streamed live on the Provincial Legislature social media platforms.

Source: Government of South Africa