MEC Tertuis Simmers welcomes appointment as Provincial MEC of Infrastructure


Minister Simmers honoured to be appointed Provincial Minister of Infrastructure

Today, at the Century City Conference Centre (CCCC), Western Cape Premier Alan Winde announced changes to his Provincial Cabinet.

Part of the announcement was the appointment of Tertuis Simmers, the current Provincial Minister of Human Settlements, as the new Provincial Minister of Infrastructure.

Minister Simmers will lead this important priority, as well as oversee the establishment of the new Department of Infrastructure, which is expected to be completed by the start of the new financial year.

Minister Simmers said: “I am honoured to be given this huge responsibility. I commit to continue serving our people with humility and dignity. I wholeheartedly support the Premier’s vision of how this new Department can help ensure our priorities of jobs, safety and well-being are realised in the Western Cape.”

Minister Simmers added: “As we continue to flesh out the various details of what the Department will entail, I look forward to further engagements with all relevant stakeholders. This merger between human settlements and certain components of the transport and public works department allows us to focus on better aligning how infrastructure is conceptualised, planned and delivered in an innovative, integrated and sustainable manner. This is particularly important, as this department will work hand-in-hand with other departments, the various spheres of government and the private sector, where the latter plays the lead role in creating jobs for our people.”

Minister Simmers continued: “With an allocation of R30.3 billion over the medium term towards infrastructure, the Western Cape Government is demonstrating its commitment to ensuring that we use infrastructure to unlock economic growth and create jobs.”

Source: Government of South Africa


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