MEC Reagen Allen on Law Enforcement Advancement Plan officers


LEAP Officers making their presence felt

Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen, is pleased to note how the Law Enforcement Advancement Plan (LEAP) officers are continuing to combat crime in hotspots where they’ve been deployed.

Between 2 – 8 May 2022, these officers have amongst others:

Searched 8 988 persons

Searched 347 houses

Searched 1 089 vehicles

Conducted 10 roadblocks

During this period, they also executed 142 arrests. Three were for the possession of an illegal firearm, 4 for the possession of illegal ammunition, 92 for the possession of drugs, 17 for the possession of dangerous weapons and the balance for various other offences.

The LEAP officers do not operate in isolation and work with other law enforcement agencies to enhance and strengthen crime-fighting efforts. To this effect:

12 Integrated operations with other City of Cape Town Law Enforcement and 145 operations with SAPS were conducted.

Minister Allen said: “These successes clearly demonstrate why more boots on the ground are needed if we’re to effectively combat crime across our province. These brave officers serve as force multipliers, making criminals feel the heat. Together with our partners, we are closing down the space for criminals to duck, dive and hide.”

Minister Allen concluded: “My plea to communities is to assist and support all law enforcement agencies, so that we can live without fear, and in a safer and dignified manner. The more we work together, the greater the possibility of effectively stopping criminality before it takes place.”

Source: Government of South Africa