MEC Reagen Allen and Provincial SAPS Commissioner Lieutenant-General Thembisile Patekile unpack Western Cape 3rd Quarter Crime Stats, 21 Feb

MEC Allen and Provincial SAPS Commissioner Lt Gen Patekile to unpack Western Cape 3rd Quarter Crime Stats

Tomorrow, 21 February 2023, Western Cape MEC of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen, will engage the Western Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant-General Thembisile Patekile on the third quarter crime statistics for the province.

Following this engagement, a briefing will be held to further unpack the crime statistics.

MEC Allen said: “This engagement and briefing forms part of our process to analyse the crime statistics in detail. The latest crime statistics paint a grim picture. Immediate intervention is required, and we have to consider alternative and best practise options in combatting crime. As the Western Cape government, we remain committed to working with all law-abiding stakeholders to fight crime in its entirety.”

Source: Government of South Africa

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