MEC Madoda Sambatha visits Christiana Hospital after catching fire, 8 Sept


MEC Sambatha to visit Christiana Hospital which caught fire earlier today
The North West MEC for Health, Madoda Sambatha will today visit the Christiana Hospital which has caught fire earlier today.
At this time, it would seem the entire hospital is affected by the fire and the fire fighters are reported to be still busy trying to put the fire down. Patients having been evacuated and arrangements are being made to transfer them to nearby health facilities. Likely there are no reports of any injuries or deaths due to this fire.
Details of MEC Madoda Sambatha’s visit to the hospital are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 08 September 2021
Venue: Christiana Hospital, Christiana
Time: 13h00
Christiana is an agricultural town of about 3000 inhabitants on the banks of the Vaal River in North West Province, South Africa. The town is located on the N12 national route between Bloemhof and Warrenton, on the way to Kimberley. It is the administrative centre of Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality.

Source: Government of South Africa


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