MEC Madoda Sambatha leads “Move for Health” campaign in Potchefstroom, 20 May


MEC Madoda Sambatha lead activity to commemorate the Move for Health Day in Potchefstroom
The North West Health MEC Madoda Sambatha will lead the employees and members of the community in Potchefstroom in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District on Thurday, 20 May 2021 to mark “the Move for Health” campaign for 2021. This is in commemoration of “The Move for Health Day” and the 2021 is commemorated under the theme “Every step counts”.
The 10th May is commemorated internationally as an annual global initiative to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the importance of this day which formally got underway on Saturday May 10, 2003, with broad links to communities around the world. The initiative was called for by WHO Member States and since then member States have been urged to celebrate a Move for Health Day each year to promote physical activity as essential for health and well-being.
The main objectives of the “Move for Health” campaign are to:
Facilitate the development of sustained national and local physical activity initiatives, policies and programmes
Increase population-wide participation in physical activity
Increase participation in physical activity through sport organisations, events and other socio-cultural forums
Promote healthy behaviour and lifestyles and address health related issues through sports and physical activity such as no tobacco use, healthy diet, reduction of violence, stress and social isolation.
This year’s “move for health” activities are to be undertaken under strict COVID-19 regulations.
The programme aimed to promote and activate the adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviours and the co-creation of wellness enabling environment by all members of the society.
Objectives of the 2021 World Move for Health Day are to:
• Facilitate the re-activation of the NOW groups and establishment new local physical activity groups to be part of the NOW initiative.
• Increase population-wide participation in physical activity through sport organizations, events and other socio-cultural platforms.
• Promote healthy behaviours and lifestyles and address health related issues such as no tobacco use, healthy diet, reduction of violence, stress and social isolation through sports and physical activities.
• Emphasize COVID-19 none pharmaceutical measures and promote COVID-19 registration and vaccination.
The activity will be held as follows:
Date: 20 May 2021
Venue: Dr Kenneth Kaunda District (JB Marks Local Municipality) NWU Potchefstroom campus.
Time: 07:00 -13:00
The planned activities of the day are as follows:
• 07:00: Health walk for 10 to 15 Kms
• 09:00: Aerobics marathon
• 10:30: Brief formal program
• 11:00: NOW dance with community engagement
(All health screening to be conducted)
The Department of Health, North West province will use this opportunity to further urge the eligible individuals on the Phase 2 of the vaccine to register for vaccination including the healthcare workers and Traditional Healthcare Practitioners.
Media houses are invited for coverage of this event.
All strict Covid-19 prevention protocols will be adhered to.

Source: Government of South Africa


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