MEC Madoda Sambatha congratulates Joe Morolong Memorial Hospital for delivery of quadruplets


Nurses and doctors deliver quadruplets at Joe Morolong Memorial Hospital
It was on the wee hours of 15 January 2022 were by the capable nurses and doctors of Joe Morolong Memorial Hospital (JMMH) delivered Quadruplets to the community of the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati Health District, more importantly to the family of Sewedi from Monoto Mosweu in Vryburg. Quadruplets are a set of four offspring born at one birth. An individual that is part of such a set is called a quadruplet and sometimes referred to as a quad.
North West Health MEC Madoda Sambatha has congratulated both the nurses and doctors who delivered the babies as well as the mother and the families that is blessed with the bundles of joy.
“Well done to our doctors and nurses for a successful operation that delivered the babies. More importantly congratulations to the mother who gave birth to these quadruplets. We know that Ms Lettie Sewedi had been booked to attend the Antenatal care at Coleridge clinic and was later referred to JMM Hospital where a successful operation was undertaken by our well experienced medical team”, ”, said MEC Sambatha.
According to experts, quadruplets are formed when a single fertilized egg splits into four different embryos (these are known as monozygotic quadruplets) and they are genetically identical quadruplets. Four eggs are then released and are each fertilized by a different sperm.
All the quads came out weighing reasonably as anticipated by the team.
Of the four newborns, three are boys (quad 1,2 and 4) and one is a girl (quad 3). Currently all the boys are being fed whilst the girl is receiving close monitoring on ventilation in the Intensive care unit, this is after the Doctors discovered that she has Apneic attacks and was given blood transfusion.
The 39-year-old now mother of nine (09) children, is ecstatic to have received the generous and professional service from JMMH, she further indicates that, she cannot wait to go home and enjoy life with her new bundles of joy.
Meanwhile, the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Hospital, Ms Portia Tlou applauded the team that delivered these healthy babies to the nation. She emphasized the long standing assignment of the Department of impeccably delivering health services to all, at all times. “Ours is only to serve our patients with distinctive love”, said Ms Tlou.

Source: Government of South Africa


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