MEC Madoda Sambatha commits to health infrastructure improvement and maintenance


MEC Madoda Sambatha commits the department budget to health infrastructure development across the province

The North West Department of Health MEC Madoda Sambatha has committed to health infrastructure improvement and maintenance during the tabling of the 2021/22 budget vote presented to the House (Provincial Legislature) today, 27 May 2021 in Mahikeng. This is explicitly expressed by the department’s commitment of R 618 922 000 (Six hundred and eighteen million, nine hundred and twenty two thousands rand) in the current financial year.

The department of Health remains committed to use the 2021/22 allocation to provide quality healthcare to the people of this province. As it strives to add value by applying this budget in the most efficient way in order to make a positive impact.

“The Department has continued to roll out the ideal clinic realization programme and strengthen the ideal hospital programme. Progress made is that 48 of 310 facilities have attained ideal status. A total of 20 facilities have attained a Platinum status while 18 are at gold and 10 on silver. For the first time all Districts in this province have facilities that attained Platinum status” said MEC Madoda Sambatha.

MEC Sambatha reiterated the Department of Health mandate of ensuring access to health facilities by constructing new ones and maintaining existing ones. Sekhing CHC and staff accommodation is at 85% progress and the revised completion date is September 2021. Jouberton CHC admitted its first patients on 12 May 2021. The Existing Exelcius Nursing College construction is in progress at 90% completion and the revised target date for completion is November 2021.

“The Department is in the process of awarding in 2021/22 the contract for the replacement of Motswedi CHC and Rapulana clinic. A contract for the refurbishment of the dilapidated Gelukspan Hospital will also be awarded in 21/22 financial year.The Department is in the processes of advertising the following projects: Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital Phase 3, Maintenance projects for Taung Hospital, Ganyesa Hospital, Lehurutshe Hospital and Koster Hospital. Planning and Design of the following facilities will be completed in 2020/21: Lebotloane CHC, Maquassie Hills CHC and Manthe CHC. Renovation will be done to 34 clinics and local SMMEs will be awarded this work” concluded MEC Sambatha

Source: Government of South Africa