MEC Desbo Mohono encourages North West farmers to apply for Hemp permits

MEC Desbo Mohono encourages NW farmers to apply for Hemp permits

Mahikeng – The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (NWDARD) MEC Desbo Mohono is calling for local farmers and manufacturers to apply for permits in order to participate in the Hemp Industry. The process of applications is opened to all interest groups and individuals. Application forms can be accessed through the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development website:

The Hemp Permit process follows the Cabinet decision taken in 2019 to have a plan for industrialisation and commercialisation of Cannabis in order to increase economic growth, create jobs and poverty alleviation. This decision was trailed by an establishment of a committee to guide the development of Cannabis Masterplan. Although the Masterplan is still in process, the industrialization of Hemp has been identified as a low hanging fruit in terms of establishment of Cannabis industry in the country.

MEC Mohono is encouraging farmers to seize the opportunity and apply for hemp permits in order to reap economic opportunities in the industry. “The legalisation and commercialisation of Cannabis Sativa (Cannabis) has been on the forefront of public debate and on top of the agenda of policymakers globally. As a role player, the NWDARD did organise a Webinar last year to engage stakeholders in a collaborative effort to advance the Cannabis Masterplan Implementation process. In that Webinar, we learned that only a few farmers had permits and at the time of our engagement, their permits had expired. I know we have very passionate farmers in the province and I urge them to follow the process and to apply for Hemp Permits,” she said.

The Plant Improvement Act, 1976 (Act no 53 of 1976) and its regulations provide a legal framework for cultivation, distribution and sale of hemp propagating material in South Africa. Any person who wants to engage in Hemp in identified activities relating to hemp must be in possession of a Hemp Permit issued by the Registrar of the Plant Improvement Act.

Although the Hemp application process is hosted by the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, the NWDARD has identified a technical team meant to assist the local farmers with the application process.

Source: Government of South Africa

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